Wednesday, June 29, 2016
My dolls are all here
I am a DOLL Lover. That and chocolate. The girls I got off ebay are here. I am so happy. One of my glass babies is in the nude. So I got her a dress last night off ebay.
I do not plan to go crazy with shopping. I just thought it would not hurt to do something nice for me.
I never get to do anything. It is not my birthday and it feels that way.
I went up to zip earlier.
MeriJo drove.
I have no idea.
That ATM in their store did not give me my recite.
Then when I checked my balance it did not give me my recite.
That is spookie.
I hope no one else gets my recite.
I got out 40.
I thought we were going to the store.
Someday things will be better.
I need to finish writing.
I love the fall.
Hallow means pure and sacred.
Eve means the first of an occasion that is magnificent.
I do like Halloween.
But I'm not a witch.
Pics of my babies all together.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Sculptures of Wishes by me Jessica Singleton fictional story
Sculptures of Wishes
By Jessica Singleton
A Fictional Story
Once upon a time, there lived a great king and queen. Their kingdom was placed high above the world in a snow glob of a mountain. When the sun came up in the day, it would only last long enough to melt parts of the snow. Then the snow would turn into ice sculptures that hung around the castle like a world of diamonds and crystals. It made their world a winter wonderland of crystal and ice.
Queen Evelyn was a very kind woman. She was smart and fair. Queen Evelyn loved her husband King Charles very much. They both wanted a child more then anything.
King Charles was a patient man who ruled his kingdom with loyalty and equality. Charles had a big heart and he cared about his people.
Evelyn and Charles had been married for 36 years. And they had tried to have a baby but in all that time, they never got pregnant.
It was December again. The royal ballroom was decorated in a winter wonderland theme. Long sheer blue silk curtains covered the windows. When the sun came through, it made them look like blown glass curtains. The windows themselves were lined with silver bars that made the window frames look like octagonal ornaments, that shimmered from the heavens. Varied blue blown glass vases were centered around the tables. A huge tree stood in the center of the room. The top of the tree had the Star of David on it. All the ornaments were hand carved blown glass bulbs. White pearl dove ornaments hung from the tree too. They did not use wrapping paper in their kingdom. So all their presents were wrapped in silk cloth. The silk was held in place with hat pins. The hat pins were topped with tiny blown glass balls. Peppermint sticks and flowers intertwined with the hat pins on the presents.
An Austrian Crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. It was sculpted to look like a pewter tree with ice crystals hung from it's branches.
That night Queen Evelyn was looking out the window at the night sky. She looked up to the heavens and she saw the Star of Jacob in the sky. The Queen made a silent wish in her heart for a daughter.
That same night before the Queen went to bed. She said a prayer;
Dear God who are in Heaven,
Please forgive me for my sins and where I fail you. I do trust you. I also understand patients. I hope I do not come off hasty or as though I am demanding that you do anything. It is just. I want a child of my own someday. It would mean the world to me. I feel like Sarah from the bible. I would like to pray that my husband Charles and I get pregnant with our own baby and it is born healthy and happy.
A few days passed and the queen became sick to her stomach. She also felt faint. The king sent for a doctor. The queen soon found out that she was with child. It must be a blessing.
When the princess was born, the queen and king were so grateful to God for their baby, that they named her Sarah Peggy.
The queen became to protective over the princess. Sarah was locked up to much. It made the princess feel trapped. The king was always gone on one of his trips. When he would come home, he would bring his daughter gifts from all over the world.
Silks from China
Dolls from Paris
Chocolates from Germany
Dresses from Italy
and coats from England
One year in December, when the tree was set out.... Sarah was just a curious five year old child. She wanted to pick up one of the pretty glass balls. But when she grabbed at it, the hook it hung from cut her. Just one drop of blood scared the queen so much that she scolded the princess.
Sarah did not understand. It broke her heart. and it made her resent her mother.
Years passed and the princess relationship with her parents only got worse.
One year when the king was on one of this trips, he found a rare rose in Holland. The rose was white but the edges of it's petals were lined with a dark pink color. It reminded him of his daughter. So he took it home to her.
The Princess loved her flower. When the princess was 15 years old her father went on an extended trip around the world. He found a rare ruby this time. The stone was a dark pink. He had it set in a necklace for the princess's next birthday. The ruby was set into a clasp that went to a pewter locket necklace. He had a bracelet and ring made to go with it.
The dress the queen had made for the princess was crushed baby pink silk, with pearl and diamond laced around the dress. The king came home in time for the royal ball and Sarah sweet sixteenth birthday.
The royal ball room was decorated in pink and butter cup colors for Sarah. The flower vases were filled with real pearls and real diamonds. Real white and pink roses stood in the pearls.
The princess' birthday cake was rounded tears. The cake itself was French Vanilla stained pink. The icing on the cake was pink white chocolate cream cheese. The flats of the tops of the cake were dusted with coco powder.
The princess had a slumber party with her friends. They wanted to go out for a while. So they sneaked out of the castle and they went horse back riding in the cool night air. They went into town and they had warm apple cider but the kings men came looking for them. The girls were taken back to the castle. The princess was grounded to her tower and her friends were sent home.
It upset the princess and she wanted to run away. So she left again. This time when she was out, she saw a pretty flower garden and she picked a flower.
The flower belonged to a wicked witch named 82.
The wicked witch came out and she cursed the princess.
When the princess went home, the world was silent. Everything was still. The witch had frozen the world into place. Nothing could move.
The princess needed a cure. She went back to the witch and ask what it would take to make her happy.
The wicked old witch said,
Okay princess give me three things that I ask for, and I will leave you alone.
What is it you want witch?
The witch said, I want a glass of water.
The princess did not understand why the witch wanted something so simple.
It must be a tick.
Nothing is that easy.
It was because the witch had froze the world.
There was no warmth and no way to make warmth.
Unless the princess would fly out of the kingdom to somewhere else.
Now she had 24 hours to find water.
A glass of pure clean water.
So the princess went into town to a gypsy and the gypsy gave her magic potion.
When the princess drank it, she turned into a bird.
She flew up into a mountain and she got a glass of pure water.
Then she gave it to the witch.
The witch wanted something else.
She wanted fire.
So Sarah took more potion and she turned into a bird again.
She flew to a volcano and she brought a metal cup that would hold lava.
She brought that to the witch.
The witch became angry.
Since the kingdom was completely still,
the witch said okay princess...
Now I want wind.
Let us see you do that trick.
The princess went home and she cried as she prayed to God.
That is when the sun rose up into the sky.
When the light came into the windows of the royal ball room,
it reflected off of the hat pins that were holding the presents.
The princess opened one of them addressed to her.
It was a present from her father.
He had got her sea shells from a foreign land when he was travailing once.
When the princess sat back down to weep into her hands.
She put the shell by her ear as he held her head.
She could hear the ocean in it.
It sounded like wind.
Then she opened another present.
It was a fan from Asia.
A beautiful silk fan.
She waved herself.
Oh Thank God.....
The princess went back to the witch.
The princess told the witch to put the sea shell up to her ear.
Then the princess waved air at the witch with the fan.
The witch was angry.
Technically the princess gave her the sound and feel of wind.
But like all wicked witches, the witch was not going to play fair.
The witch agreed by sun set on the first full moon of harvest that she would return the kingdom to it's once glory.
The princess did not trust her....
Something about it did not make sense.
So the princess gave her parents a potion that would make them solid metal. Not ice the way the witch had them.
On the first full moon, as the witch said,
She blew air out of her mouth.
The air turned the world so cold that it burst and shattered.
But the princess had put a magical spell on her kingdom so they were made of metal.
Metal can withstand any temp.
So once the witch was done.
Since those were her words that on the first full moon, her curse was done.
The princess could undo it with a different potion.
Everyone came back to life.
The princess saved them.
When the king and queen woke up,
they sent for the witch.
Then she went through a real witch trial.
and she could not hurt anyone anymore.
The End
and they all lived happily ever after.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Sawser Boy by me Jessica Singleton ( A fictional Story )
Sawser Boy
Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Jesse. Jesse did not go by his name. He believed that his real name was Sawser Boy.
Jesse was leaving school one day when a few of the school yard boys started to yell at him. Jesse did not hear them in time.
The other boys started to throw rocks at Jesse. The rocks hit his arm. Jesse ran home. For the first few blocks, the other boys followed but they finally left him alone.
When Jesse got into the front door of his own home, his mother ask him why he was covered in dirt clods and why he had rocks in his hair?
Jesse did not know what to say. He did not want to tell his mother what happened. She could not possible understand. Besides he did not need her going to school and making it worse.
So he said the only logical thing that he could think to say.
"The wind is hard on the human form. I could not get my space ship higher then the lightening and besides, the aliens wanted my super powers."
Jesse ran off to play video games before his mother could ask anymore of her questions.
The next day,
Jesse was on the playground and some of the other boys in his class thought it would be funny to put his umbrella up in a tree.
The other boys yelled out things at Jesse;
"Hey space boy, haha where is your space suit? Why don't you fly up in outer space and get your dumb umbrella. HAHA Hey space boy- wheres the space ship?"
There was no time to be silly. There was an alien octopus climbing to earth. The alien was in a tree and he was coming for the human race. Michael had to save the earth.
Jesse yelled out;
"I will save us all now. The 8 legged monster will not get us. Take this you space monster."
Jesse grabbed a stick and he climbed the tree. The limb that Jesse climbed out on was not strong enough for his body weight.
So the umbrella fell out of the tree and Jesse fell to the ground too.
As he fell, Jesse realized that he was missing one secret weapon that would always save the day.
So he yelled....
"I do not have any Mustard in my icebox..."
Jesse broke his legs.
When Jesse's mother was wheeling him out of the hospital, she ask her son if he wanted anything out of the vending machine.
But Jesse said;
"Mother, I have told you... When I am in my space suit, I am working. Now is not the time for candy or chips. I am in a zone."
That night Jesse's mother brought him a TV tray with soup and soda. Jesse was sitting in front of the television. He was watching his favorite cartoon...
The space toes attack chocolate planet was the best movie ever.
Later that night, Jesse saw out his bed room window that there was a squirrel in a tree outside of his window. That squirrel knocked a bird nest out of a tree. There were no eggs but it was rude.
This was a job for sawser boy.
Jesse wheeled himself out of the house to the drive way.
As he got outside, he saw a spider crawling towards a drain.
That got Jesse's attention.
He yelled out;
"There you are now. I have you. I saw you in that tree. You 8 legged monster. We battle or I zap you with a laser gun... It only shoots water now, but that water has magical powers."
Jesse's mother came out into the drive way;
"Jesse, it is time for bed. You have to come in the house right now."
"Aww Mommy.... I am getting rid of aliens."
"Not now, it is your bedtime. You can save the universe tomorrow."
Jesse did as he was told.
The next morning Jesse had forgotten all about the spider because there was a prize to find at the bottom of the cereal box.
The Specialist by me Jessica Singleton ( A fictional story )
Ann was a man that pronounced his name INN. No one could guess that, so he spent half his time helping people understand how to say his name.
His name was given to him by his mother. It was the name of his great grandmother.
When Ann woke up on Friday the ninth, he had to drink his coffee in a hurry. He was in a rush to a new job interview. The interview was at Caltel Street. The job was inside of the old union hospital.
Ann grabbed his brief case and he hurried out the front door. Ann had to walk six blocks south, then he had to take a bus to Caltel St.
When Ann walked up to the bus stop, a crack head was already standing there.
The homeless looking man spoke to Ann.
"Hey man, where did you get that purple tie that yous wearing?"
"It was a gift from my wife for my birthday years ago."
"Well, haha I know I would not want to wear a purple anything. You know what that means right?"
"I guess I do not know what purple means. What does it mean?"
"It means gay. You know gay. Like yous into the same sex man."
"Well, I did not know that. I am not gay. I just don't have a lot time to go shopping. It was the only tie that I owned. I got it as a present years ago. And I am on my way to a job interview. So I don't have a lot of choice I suppose."
Before the crack head could say anything. The bus came and Ann got onto the bus.
The bus took him twenty miles into the city of Daysville.
Ann got off the bus and he had to walk the last block to the hospital.
The weather had other plans.
It started to rain extremely hard.
Before Ann left his home, it was a bright sunny day.
By the time Ann got to the hospital, he was soaked from the rain.
Ann took the elevator to suit 36 c.
When Ann walked into the waiting room, the nurse at the reception area stopped him before he could talk.
She put her hand in the air,
and then said,
"I am very busy. I do not have time right now. Just wait. Take a seat when one comes about. I will be with you in a moment."
Ann had to stand at the back of the room.
There just wasn't enough seating.
The nurse turned around and said very softly but everyone in the waiting area heard her...
"Hes a walk in. God only knows what he wants. I bet he does not even have insurance. If he gives you any trouble, just call down stairs. If it is an emergency then he can go to the E.R."
Two hours later
The nurse got tired of looking at the scrappy older man in the back of the room.
So the nurse called Ann up to her desk.
Ann picked up his brief case and he walked up to her.
She said,
"What do you want sir? And don't tell me you're selling something."
Ann smiled
"No I am not selling anything. I am the specialist. I am here for the job interview. I am a bone specialist."
The nurse looked shocked.
She said,
"I am sorry Doctor, it is just... Your suit is so old and your shoes are not ...."
Ann spoke up then without an attitude.
"I was a factory worker, when I was young. My wife got sick. She was the only one for me. No one knew what was wrong. Until it was too late. She died of bone cancer. So I decided to go back to school. I wanted to fight the thing that took the love of my life away. It took years of night school and second jobs. I really had no money. After college I did a lot of clinical work. All I needed was scrubs. The last time I bought a suit, was in the seventies for the funeral of my wife. I am sorry. I guess I don't have a woman's touch when it comes to buying clothes. But I am not here for a fashion show. I am here to heal people and to save their life."
The art is Norman Rockwell art
His name was given to him by his mother. It was the name of his great grandmother.
When Ann woke up on Friday the ninth, he had to drink his coffee in a hurry. He was in a rush to a new job interview. The interview was at Caltel Street. The job was inside of the old union hospital.
Ann grabbed his brief case and he hurried out the front door. Ann had to walk six blocks south, then he had to take a bus to Caltel St.
When Ann walked up to the bus stop, a crack head was already standing there.
The homeless looking man spoke to Ann.
"Hey man, where did you get that purple tie that yous wearing?"
"It was a gift from my wife for my birthday years ago."
"Well, haha I know I would not want to wear a purple anything. You know what that means right?"
"I guess I do not know what purple means. What does it mean?"
"It means gay. You know gay. Like yous into the same sex man."
"Well, I did not know that. I am not gay. I just don't have a lot time to go shopping. It was the only tie that I owned. I got it as a present years ago. And I am on my way to a job interview. So I don't have a lot of choice I suppose."
Before the crack head could say anything. The bus came and Ann got onto the bus.
The bus took him twenty miles into the city of Daysville.
Ann got off the bus and he had to walk the last block to the hospital.
The weather had other plans.
It started to rain extremely hard.
Before Ann left his home, it was a bright sunny day.
By the time Ann got to the hospital, he was soaked from the rain.
Ann took the elevator to suit 36 c.
When Ann walked into the waiting room, the nurse at the reception area stopped him before he could talk.
She put her hand in the air,
and then said,
"I am very busy. I do not have time right now. Just wait. Take a seat when one comes about. I will be with you in a moment."
Ann had to stand at the back of the room.
There just wasn't enough seating.
The nurse turned around and said very softly but everyone in the waiting area heard her...
"Hes a walk in. God only knows what he wants. I bet he does not even have insurance. If he gives you any trouble, just call down stairs. If it is an emergency then he can go to the E.R."
Two hours later
The nurse got tired of looking at the scrappy older man in the back of the room.
So the nurse called Ann up to her desk.
Ann picked up his brief case and he walked up to her.
She said,
"What do you want sir? And don't tell me you're selling something."
Ann smiled
"No I am not selling anything. I am the specialist. I am here for the job interview. I am a bone specialist."
The nurse looked shocked.
She said,
"I am sorry Doctor, it is just... Your suit is so old and your shoes are not ...."
Ann spoke up then without an attitude.
"I was a factory worker, when I was young. My wife got sick. She was the only one for me. No one knew what was wrong. Until it was too late. She died of bone cancer. So I decided to go back to school. I wanted to fight the thing that took the love of my life away. It took years of night school and second jobs. I really had no money. After college I did a lot of clinical work. All I needed was scrubs. The last time I bought a suit, was in the seventies for the funeral of my wife. I am sorry. I guess I don't have a woman's touch when it comes to buying clothes. But I am not here for a fashion show. I am here to heal people and to save their life."
The art is Norman Rockwell art
Innocence (A fictional Story by me)
Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Milkie. His mother called him her little creature. Milkie wanted to do something nice for his mother.
One day when Milkie was outside playing, he saw a beautiful rose. The flower had dew drops on it's petals. The dew drops looked like sparkly pearls. Milkie thought it would be nice to gather up all the dew drops and then take the dew drops home to his mother. She would surely like that.
So Milkie scooped up all the dew drops off of the flower petals and especially the dew drops off of the flowers leaves.
He put the tiny dew drops into his pants pockets. Off he ran to go home to give his mommy a gift.
But what Milkie did not notice, was the blood dripping off his fingers.
When Milkie had grabbed at the flower to get to the dew drops, he had brushed up against the stem of the rose. The thorns must have cut him, but only a tiny cut can cry like that.
When Milkie ran into his front door, he said in his proudest voice;
"Mommy, look.... I got you a present. I brought you dew drops that looks like pearls."
but the dew drops had melted into Milkie's pants pockets. So he looked rain soaked to his mother. All Milkie's mother could think at that point was;
My son is wet he could catch a cold. And his mother saw the blood. Oh my poor son.
Milkie's mom gathered her tiny child up into her arms. She rushed him off to give him a warm bath, band-aids and a warm sweater to put on. Then she made him warm coco.
The next day Milkie thought he would just bring the pretty rose home to his mother. That was a much better gift.
But when the tiny creature grabbed the flower, he lost his balance and he dropped the white rose into a muddy puddle.
Not a problem he thought. The tiny creature picked up the flower.
He raced home. This would surely make his mother proud.
But when Milkie came through the front door, he slung the soaking wet mud flower out from behind his back.
It flung dirty water all over the living room.
Milkies mother just shook her head.
She smiled a sad smile.
Then she picked up her tiny one and she rushed him off to the bathtub again.
Milkie did not understand.
That night he noticed how his mother always took care of the gold ring that she wore.
That gold must be important. It always made her smile.
A few weeks later;
A Carny came through the village. He had a musical cart that wheeled itself.
The Carny also had a spider monkey.
The man played a piano organ.
The Monkey danced for coins.
Milkie was watching when he noticed that while the people watched the monkey dance.
The man would pick a coin from their pockets.
Always gold.
Milkie did not have money.
His father did.
But not he.
It reminded him of his mother's favorite ring.
Milkie wanted to give his mother a gift.
It meant the world to him.
He had to see her smile once.
So Milkie grabbed just one gold coin.
No time to think ....
Milkie was caught.
Milkie was rushed off to the king of the village
King Marble was a kind understanding man.
The king looked down from his high chair at the tiny creature that stood at his feet.
The King said;
"Well, tiny what do you have to say for yourself?"
The tiny creature walked up closer to the king so that King Marbles could hear his tiny voice.
"I love my mama. I took the coin for her."
The king did not ask anymore questions.
He assumed that what that tiny child was saying meant that his parents made him do it.
They made their child steal.
That made more sense then a child wanting gold coins.
What would a tiny want with GOLDEN COINS?
So the king sent for the boys mother.
He did not ask her questions.
He just locked her up in the Oubliet.
And she wrapped her arms around herself as she cried.
When the boys father came home from work, he ask his son where his mother was?
The child told his father what had happened earlier.
Then Milkie told his father what events had lead up to the moment that he made his decision .
Milkie said,
"Mommy only smiles at her gold ring."
Milkie's dad sat down next to his son. Then he said,
"Your mother does not care if the ring is gold or wooden. It stands for family, unity and love. That ring is her wedding ring to me. It reminds her of our family that we have made."
Then Milkie and his father went to see the king.
Milkie's father told the king what had happened.
Then the king looked down at the tiny child.
He said,
"You, come here... Now tell me is this true?"
Milkie bowed his head and he said,
"Yes, and I learned my lesson."
When the King looked down from his royal thrown at the tiny child,
it only reminded him of what it was like to be a child.
Innocence is a blessing. It shields your eyes from reality.
For the King was once a child himself.
So the king let Milkie's mother go.
That night when Milkie went home. He wrapped his arms around his mother.
He told her what had happened.
She ask why?
"Mama you make me hot chocolate and you read me stories.
I just wanted to find you something nice. But you always say no. Or you look at you feet. I upset you all the time. Nothing that I do is okay...."
Milkie's mother smiled and she said,
"I love you, that is why I tell you no. I want you to be safe. You make me happy. If anything ever happened to you... It would bother me. So I try to help you learn to take care of yourself."
That night after Milkie's story,
Milkie curled up in a tiny ball with his teddy bear.
He fell asleep in his own bed.
He was not a creature.
He turned back into a little boy again.
One day when Milkie was outside playing, he saw a beautiful rose. The flower had dew drops on it's petals. The dew drops looked like sparkly pearls. Milkie thought it would be nice to gather up all the dew drops and then take the dew drops home to his mother. She would surely like that.
So Milkie scooped up all the dew drops off of the flower petals and especially the dew drops off of the flowers leaves.
He put the tiny dew drops into his pants pockets. Off he ran to go home to give his mommy a gift.
But what Milkie did not notice, was the blood dripping off his fingers.
When Milkie had grabbed at the flower to get to the dew drops, he had brushed up against the stem of the rose. The thorns must have cut him, but only a tiny cut can cry like that.
When Milkie ran into his front door, he said in his proudest voice;
"Mommy, look.... I got you a present. I brought you dew drops that looks like pearls."
but the dew drops had melted into Milkie's pants pockets. So he looked rain soaked to his mother. All Milkie's mother could think at that point was;
My son is wet he could catch a cold. And his mother saw the blood. Oh my poor son.
Milkie's mom gathered her tiny child up into her arms. She rushed him off to give him a warm bath, band-aids and a warm sweater to put on. Then she made him warm coco.
The next day Milkie thought he would just bring the pretty rose home to his mother. That was a much better gift.
But when the tiny creature grabbed the flower, he lost his balance and he dropped the white rose into a muddy puddle.
Not a problem he thought. The tiny creature picked up the flower.
He raced home. This would surely make his mother proud.
But when Milkie came through the front door, he slung the soaking wet mud flower out from behind his back.
It flung dirty water all over the living room.
Milkies mother just shook her head.
She smiled a sad smile.
Then she picked up her tiny one and she rushed him off to the bathtub again.
Milkie did not understand.
That night he noticed how his mother always took care of the gold ring that she wore.
That gold must be important. It always made her smile.
A few weeks later;
A Carny came through the village. He had a musical cart that wheeled itself.
The Carny also had a spider monkey.
The man played a piano organ.
The Monkey danced for coins.
Milkie was watching when he noticed that while the people watched the monkey dance.
The man would pick a coin from their pockets.
Always gold.
Milkie did not have money.
His father did.
But not he.
It reminded him of his mother's favorite ring.
Milkie wanted to give his mother a gift.
It meant the world to him.
He had to see her smile once.
So Milkie grabbed just one gold coin.
No time to think ....
Milkie was caught.
Milkie was rushed off to the king of the village
King Marble was a kind understanding man.
The king looked down from his high chair at the tiny creature that stood at his feet.
The King said;
"Well, tiny what do you have to say for yourself?"
The tiny creature walked up closer to the king so that King Marbles could hear his tiny voice.
"I love my mama. I took the coin for her."
The king did not ask anymore questions.
He assumed that what that tiny child was saying meant that his parents made him do it.
They made their child steal.
That made more sense then a child wanting gold coins.
What would a tiny want with GOLDEN COINS?
So the king sent for the boys mother.
He did not ask her questions.
He just locked her up in the Oubliet.
And she wrapped her arms around herself as she cried.
When the boys father came home from work, he ask his son where his mother was?
The child told his father what had happened earlier.
Then Milkie told his father what events had lead up to the moment that he made his decision .
Milkie said,
"Mommy only smiles at her gold ring."
Milkie's dad sat down next to his son. Then he said,
"Your mother does not care if the ring is gold or wooden. It stands for family, unity and love. That ring is her wedding ring to me. It reminds her of our family that we have made."
Then Milkie and his father went to see the king.
Milkie's father told the king what had happened.
Then the king looked down at the tiny child.
He said,
"You, come here... Now tell me is this true?"
Milkie bowed his head and he said,
"Yes, and I learned my lesson."
When the King looked down from his royal thrown at the tiny child,
it only reminded him of what it was like to be a child.
Innocence is a blessing. It shields your eyes from reality.
For the King was once a child himself.
So the king let Milkie's mother go.
That night when Milkie went home. He wrapped his arms around his mother.
He told her what had happened.
She ask why?
"Mama you make me hot chocolate and you read me stories.
I just wanted to find you something nice. But you always say no. Or you look at you feet. I upset you all the time. Nothing that I do is okay...."
Milkie's mother smiled and she said,
"I love you, that is why I tell you no. I want you to be safe. You make me happy. If anything ever happened to you... It would bother me. So I try to help you learn to take care of yourself."
That night after Milkie's story,
Milkie curled up in a tiny ball with his teddy bear.
He fell asleep in his own bed.
He was not a creature.
He turned back into a little boy again.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The other side of the looking glass
I am listening to A Saucerful of Secrets by Pink Floyd. I just got it off Amazon. It came today. I love it. I listen to music a lot. It calms me. I guess it is because my mind just spins all around when I get nervous. If my mood goes in any one direction that is not normal then I get a slide show of thoughts in my mind... Unless I am spooked by something. If I am afraid - then I get numb and I just get funky.
So if I can find something to do, then it keeps me focused. I am upset most of the time. Even when I'm happy. For years things have been wild. So it is nice to feel comfortable. I do not feel comfortable.
I do not have a problem with Amazon. I have shopped there many times over the years. I do not get out much so it helps....
They just send it out to your house. It just works.
I did not get a packaging slip or recite in the package. I mean I got the emails with all the usual confirmation stuff. Thats really all you need. I just keep up and I keep good books.
I was just wondering.
I emailed Amazon. I think that they are okay by trade. All is well there. It is just-
I think that my email was hacked and that someone maybe deleted a certain email that was meant to answer my question. Cause I did not get one yet. Does that make me paranoid?
Cause I suffer from paranoia.
We ate dinner while ago. My nephews are coming over. I think I might get them a candy. I wanted to go for a walk.
I am happy somewhat.
I over think everything.
So everything is normal.
I did go to the bank today. I deposited that silly excuse for a check that came from BullDogger. Those people are assholes.
I paid on my storage unit. One more month at a time.
I got me and dad a drink at that Casey's gas station.
I helped pump his gas.
Nothing happened.
I cannot think of anything to say.
I have been writing again. Not as much as I should.
I need to finish that. I am sure if I kept it up, it would not take long.
I just have five other things that I need to get done too.
"Hope is the thing with wings" - Emily Dickinson
I love creatures.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I was online looking at trailer homes and other homes for sale. I was looking at the usual cost for living. I cannot tell if the price listed is what the property is worth, or if the price is the cost the seller thinks, that they are entitled to.
I am not making a joke. I live in a small town and I cannot understand why anyone would think that homes should cost that much. It is not that much to own a home. It is just this area is kind of out of the way and there is nothing here. The homes they are selling are card houses. The way they build around here is a joke in itself. I am not a rich person. I just don't want the roof to cave in on my head.
I got part of that amazon order today. I needed some shirts. I got no clothes to wear. So I bought myself some tee shirts, a few CDs and a few books. I am a reader. I got a stack now. I will have plenty to read for a while. I did make dad a chicken sandwich.
I need to drink more water.
I have no logged into my Penzu journal for a while. I should do that. Although I don't know why. I do not have anything to say. Nothing is going on. Life is spooky normal for now.
I usually put art in my blogs. Nothing that I do, just pictures that I find online. Always the neat stuff. I do not know who did this one. I found it online.
I am not making a joke. I live in a small town and I cannot understand why anyone would think that homes should cost that much. It is not that much to own a home. It is just this area is kind of out of the way and there is nothing here. The homes they are selling are card houses. The way they build around here is a joke in itself. I am not a rich person. I just don't want the roof to cave in on my head.
I got part of that amazon order today. I needed some shirts. I got no clothes to wear. So I bought myself some tee shirts, a few CDs and a few books. I am a reader. I got a stack now. I will have plenty to read for a while. I did make dad a chicken sandwich.
I need to drink more water.
I have no logged into my Penzu journal for a while. I should do that. Although I don't know why. I do not have anything to say. Nothing is going on. Life is spooky normal for now.
I usually put art in my blogs. Nothing that I do, just pictures that I find online. Always the neat stuff. I do not know who did this one. I found it online.
Monday, June 20, 2016
I guess people use these things to talk about their views on everything from the news to celebrity gossip. I don't really gossip. I hardly get to see the news. I can't imagine anyone not knowing what is going on in the world. Most people know the world events ten years before me. So if I decided to post the world events, it would make me a big joke...
I'm up at one in the morning, because my sleeping pill has not kicked in yet. Why not write a blog. Maybe it will bore me enough to put me in sleeps arms.
I did hear from my mother about that Orlando event. The one where that guy killed all those people. That was too much. I do not understand people like that. He was pathetic. I do not have anything to say about that. I feel sorry for the people who survived the ones who are dead. It is hard to lose the ones you love. Even in natural causes, years later, you never let it go. But to have that happen is worse. They were to young to know death. They did not ask for it. They were wide awake when death came. There was no mercy and they would have been in pain. You always think of what if and what you should have said. You remember them in moments from the past. You cannot get it out of your head. Its like a chance that you let slip by. As though you're going to get it back. Cause you cannot have it back and you need them to know that you love them. I know loss but not through that tragedy. There are no words when you lose the ones that you love. Your heart will break if you think your family is upset or in pain. Its just not okay.
"If certain when this life was out, that yours and mine should be, then I'd toss it yonder like a rend, and I'd taste eternity." - Emily Dickinson
I don't know why
I do not know why in the world that I would start another blog. I have had so many of these. At this point, you'd think that I would not try again.
The last bloggr I had, or still have I cannot get into.
Someone put antifreeze in my food once. It did not kill me but now, for some reason, I do not remember even the email for it. I think it was something like black purple light brite cat.
The address was the fear of mirrors.
Catoptrophobia something like that.
I just got this computer that I am on... I have an online journal for this kind of thing. It is with Penzu.
I am living with my parents again. Just for the time being. Long story. I have a lot of things that I need to type and I do not want to take the time tonight for that.
A note on the art in this one. I did not create it. The art was done by an artist named Escher. I do not know that person. I just love their art.