Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween 👻

It's the most beautiful night of the year. It's Halloween. I wish I could celebrate in someway but I can't. I have candy and horror movies- so that alone is perfect. 
I hope everyone has the best night. I hope luck for me does not run out at midnight. 


Sunday, October 28, 2018

I'm selling some of my things on eBay

I am listing some different items on eBay. They are for sale. So far I have two different dolls listed. Here are some. Links.
I have two different twitter accounts by the way.
You can look me up on eBay or click the link in my twitter- 
I'm js1979-20 on eBay. 
simon and halbig doll via @eBay . This is another doll that I am selling on eBay, in case anyone wants it.


german doll simon halbig via @eBay . I'm selling a few dolls here is one of them, in case anyone is interested.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I pay for net with at&t

I have an apple iPhone with at&t. 

It comes with 1 gb of net automatically. 
I pay an extra 5 dollars for 1 more gb every month. 

The iPhone runs on net. So the first gb that automatically comes with the phone, cost 30 dollars a month on my at&t bill. Can't get out of that. 

If I added 1 more gb for 5 more dollars, it'd cost 40 dollars instead of 35 dollars. 

I'm not connected to wifi or a hotspot. 

I don't feed off my neighbors net. 

I'm not a bum. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blonde magic marker box set

I bought a box of blonde hair dye at CV's grocery yesterday. I got very little food while I was there. 

I just attempted to color my roots to match the rest of my hair. It's not dry yet. So it's hard to really tell. 

Here are pictures of it so far or as I should say the process. 