Thursday, April 25, 2019

My hands

I will post some pictures of
 the palms of my hands.

I have multiple x's

Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Earth Day to the world

Beautiful marble we all live on. We should treat it better. Happy Earth Day. God must be an artist because he can mesmerize everyone. People go on vacations to see the outside view.
Must be beautiful.

Friday, April 12, 2019


The truth is free.
Lies cost everyone.
Julian Assange is a 
responsible man 
who is being used for a 
political public awareness add. 
That is my opinion.
They want to crucify the truth 
and make a point to following 
their own political agenda. 
It's a sad day for the truth, 
when a criminal can 
walk free and then 
turn around and punish 
the truth for exposure.
I don't see why anyone 
would care if the truth came out.
It's not like his writing 
put any of them in prison. 
They should be 
ashamed of themselves. 
It pathetic and sad.
It's also unprofessional and tacky.
It's a mockery of the 
justice system and it 
reflects on the people in charge. 
I can't believe this has gone on
as long as it has. 
What happened to 
1. Freedom of speech 
2. Freedom of the press 
3. Freedom of the people to 
petition their government.

I think that in two hundred years 
when future generations 
look back they will not find 
a reason to respect 
half the people in charge of the world. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019