Monday, July 30, 2018

Sitting in the Dark by Jessica Singleton

Sitting in the grey 
of the dim room. 
Alone by the window.
Watching the storm outside.
I'm almost happy 
that I did not have 
to go through anything .
I am watching the world 
move on without me.
I have memories 
I have my own rain.
It leaks from my soul.
That fateful door.
Opening a floodgate of truth.
It's 3:54 pm 
and no one is here but me. 
Silence fills my arms.

Some frail creature 
Innocent as a butterfly 
Broken heart 
Broken wing
She will refuse to fly again 
Until her pain subsides.
It is 4:03 in the middle of the day,
Calculating hands 
that play with numbers 
Time well spent.
It will all come full circle.
And return to the stoke of midnight.




Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Rocking Horse by Jessica Singleton

Once upon a time in a far away village, there lived an old wood cutter and his seamstress wife. 
They were very lucky to do well with their business. 
The old man also fixed clocks & shoes. 
The older man also made lamps and unique wooden tables. 
The woman made beautiful silk curtains that she sold in her little shop, when she was not making off the rack dresses. 

They had an 8 year old daughter named Anna. 

Anna was different than most children.  She did not like to go outside to play with the other children her age. 
Anna preferred to be alone and read or color. 
Anna never knew that she was poor because she lived a beautiful healthy life surrounded by people who loved her. 
Anna did not talk much to anyone. 

One day Anna's parents took her out to eat in a restaurant. 
The restaurant was called Soup Dish. 
The food was made from scratch. 
The restaurant specialized in soup. They were called dish because, everything was served on a dish like a tea saucer. The restaurant wanted their environment to make customers feel like they were with family. You never think to say-
I want this and that when you're with family. You just want a place at the table with a dish of home. 

Anna liked the veggie tomato soup. 
But the restaurant had the best apple pie. Their pies had big apples, grapes, walnuts and raisins in them. 

On the way home from her father's shop in the winter, sometimes her father would stop at the Soup Dish and he would buy her a hot chocolate with a cookie. He would say that it would help her get through the cold of the outside world. 

One summer Anna's parents took her to a petting zoo carnival in town. Anne ate food and road a carousel. She thought it was amazing. Her parents were so happy to see her smile that they drove her to a farm owned by a friend. Her father thought Anna would like to learn to ride a real horse. But Anna was to afraid. 
The noise the horse made scared her and she cried. 

Anna's father did not mean to scare her. He took her home. 

It broke her parents hearts. 

So her father spent time making his daughter a toy horse that would not scare her. 

The wooden creation looked like a real horse. Her mother shredded up white silk and wool to give the horse the feeling of fur. 

Before Anna could see the horse a man came into her father's shop. He wanted the horse for his daughter. He offered a lot of money. 

The money was more than enough. 

Her parents were artists in their own trade. 

So they sold the first horse. 

They made a new horse for Anna. 
This one was better. 
Anna's rocking horse was white with silver hooves. 
On the side of Anna's rocking horse, it had a special compartment that could only be opened by Anna because she was the only one with a key. The compartment was a music box. It wound up and sounded like a real carousel horse. Flutes , and xylophones sound like lullabies. 
Anna's mother bought her a beautiful necklace, bracelet and ring the color of the carousel horse. 
They gave Anna her rocking horse and she loved it.  Anna never had to be afraid again. She was also allowed to play and not fall down because the horse would rock back and forth. Not break or fall over.  And it looked real and gorgeous.  Anna received freedom and redemption. She lived happily ever after. 

                              The End

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blue Excuse by Jessica Singleton

The Blue Excuse 


Jessica Singleton 

Watercolors have a shyness to them. They hide behind each other, blending well. 
But their own defamation is undeniable.


 His name was Jessi.
Sometimes he would take a short cut home. Just to be alone and away from the place he worked at. It helped to walk in the front door of his own house. It was the only place that he felt welcomed. 

On Sunday he went to church with his grandfather. On Monday he spent the day at the library.

His favorite book was Great Expectations by Dickens. 

It reminded him of every silent film that he lived through. 

Most people don't talk about what they really want to say as easily as others lie and say what they should not say. 

He owned his own private copy of the Dickens book.

He was a hard working man who saved a lot of money. He had a high credit score and a high iq. 


        The drummer from the Matinee.

His name was Avery.
He was tall and built like an NBA player. He sailed on the weekend to the coast. He liked Eric Clapton and JJ Cale. 
His greatest inspiration was The Silver Bullet Band. That and his older brother James vine Carey.

He worked as a technician in electronics from Monday to Friday, and then he played in a jazz band at the bars all weekend. 

He was considered great and handsome to everyone around him but until he was sailing he felt trapped in a cubicle.

              The part time annoyance.

She was a joke of a tragedy, and anyone who crossed her path would remember that. Bleach blond skinny Luke warm tap water. 
Nothing anyone would want.  That is until they are thirsty for an itch. 

Her name was DumDuh Delilah. 
She worked at the local bank. 



DumDuh was at work on Monday morning. She was sitting in her pathetic cubicle filing her nails instead of working.  That is when she saw the skinny man in the lobby waiting on assistance. 

DumDuh was a sucker for a good laugh. But in her opinion, waiting on anyone not good looking enough was not worth her time. 
DumDuh walked out of her cubicle and she spoke to the skinny nerd. 

" Hi , mister . 
My name is DumDuh. Can I help you with something? "

" I'm Jessi and I want to file a report on something and receive money. "

" oh I see. Come into my office. "

DumDuh gave Jessi a stack of paper work to fill out.  When he was done filling out the paperwork- Jessi gave it back to DumDuh. She looked it over slightly. Then she typed a few things into her computer. 
DumDuh told Jessi that he could never file a report and at this time he was not eligible for money. 
Jessi knew that DumDuh was lying. So he walked out of the bank and he went across town to a different branch of the same bank.

Jessi told that bank what happened with DumDuh at the west side branch.

The bank realized within 2 minutes that DumDuh never used her computer to pull a credit report or anything to do with Jessi. 
Jessi was eligible for a lot of money. The amount was without end. 

Jessi filed his papers with them and it was not a stack. It was three pieces of paper and the last page only required a signature. 

Jessi did not have to sit around for thirty minutes to see results. 
He received his money, an apology and his freedom. 



DumDuh was called into her bosses office within an hour that same day. 

Her boss asked her about the incident with Jessi . 

DumDuh lied. 

So her boss called her on the lie. 

" Your computer is linked up to a main server. We can monitor your every move. 
You are logged into your own personal social media page.  In fact you logged into that five minutes after you entered your workspace. You typed out the words - 
And I quote-

O. M. G. - 
This skinny nerd wants me to do my job. I deserve my paycheck for having to talk to him. I mean yeah. I'm pretending that this never happened. He does not need money compared to people like me. He is probably poor or some type of minority. Lol. Seriously today when I get off from work I am going shopping. Pathetic people make me feel like I need time for pampering. "

" I made a mistake. Like an accident. I'm sorry. "

" Actually you did do that on purpose. You do not get paid to just be here. That man is not here for your personal opinion. You don't have to like anyone but you do have to treat him with equally opportunities. He is not on a clock. But you are. The worst part is that you are on a security camera, not only not doing your job. But you are discriminating against a client. He has an account here. I have to write you up for three different offenses. And you have already been warned numerous times before about your work effort. That means you are fired. "

" That is just wrong. Should I get a lawyer? Not unless he presses charges because you don't have any grounds. And he can take you to court. We will back him because we are not going to jail for you. " 

DumDuh walked out of the bank. When she got to her car she felt like having a drink. She went home first to change her clothes and then get ready. 
By the time the weekend came around DumDuh had been to the same bar every night. 
Saturday night DumDuh saw a drummer on stage and he was so hot. She saw men like meal tickets. 
DumDuh walked up to the drummer and she started to talk to him. 
His name was Avery.

Avery thought DumDuh was kind of pretty but he could tell that he would never marry her. 
But he could use her for a decent time later. It had been a week since he had been able to unwind . 
Avery told DumDuh to meet him at the boat docks later.

She did but he forgot about her because she did not mean anything to him. 



DumDuh saw a yacht. She assumed it was Avery's boat. 

So DumDuh lived up to her own reputation for once , by inviting herself where no one else would on their own. 

DumDuh jumped into the boat. Only Avery was not there. 
But a surgeon with a sick fetish for seeing blood was. The surgeon sailed away with his new playmate. Then he chopped her up and threw her out with the trash. 

                               The End 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Gillian cannot be that pathetic

Who gave you a lift


Jessica Singleton 

I don't know 
who gave you 
the right to play god 
with other people's lives. 
But now all of your lies 
has tangled a widows quilt.
And you walk around 
Repeating your victim's 
pleading screams 
Like you're giving 
a commencement Speech 
to accompany 
your accomplishments. 
Pathetic - 
 how your lies 
reflect your own 
sadly lit life. 
And that dead end road 
That you've been milking 
All these years 
Is finally coming to 
a complete stop. 
I don't deserve 
to hand you anything.
my mind , 
words , 
is not yours 
to have & hold. 


Photo frame 


Jessica Singleton 

I had a stack of memories 
in my lower dresser drawer. 
I never took the time 
to spend enough time 
paying attention to the dust. 
Now I have all these 
empty picture frames 
and the drawer is flipped over. 
I don't have anymore film 
My mind is a storm. 
I can remember 
bits and pieces 
of yesterday .
Of the 
That I couldn't hold onto...
Until they were spilt out on the floor. 
All that empty extra space 
Makes me feel alone and small. 
And God is my only happy thought 
And god is the only strength I have left. 

Walking by the crowd 


Jessica singleton 

I notice the moon 
more than I used to 
when I was surrounded. 
But now I'm alone. 
And I noticed other things.
Like how much 
I miss my family 
How pathetic 
all those passerbys are. 
They are like lost birds. 
They float around 
looking for worms.
They share 
breathtaking moment.
So I find myself feeling 
sorry for them. 
Because I know that 
they will never find 
a harbor or lighthouse. 
I pray for people that I should hate.

Monday, July 16, 2018

His father;s control

He stays upstairs in his own memory.
He keeps reliving and attacking the shadows of his father's actions.
But while he swings out-
He only knocks down all the people who are there for him now. 
They look pretty tired of being the angels on his own shoulders. 
His dog minds the hand that feeds her. 
And the jawbone under the kitchen table belongs to his mother. 
Such a sad story to relive. 
Bargaining with the clock and wolf. 
He will pay it and move on with his precious life , while he forgets it. 
His next appointment is only his next date. 

Art credit-

Rick Berry 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Pewter Pinwheels by Jessica Singleton

The Definition of a 
"  A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.  " 

1919 Dolomite Ave was the address to a graveyard in a very important metropolitan city . 

A great black cast iron gate guarded the site from further desecration.

At the top of the gate's  French doors stood two metal balls. 
More of swinging piece of art. 
Like open arms morphing off into Newtons Cradle. 

The marble slabs of the butcher's block read like a Hiaku of Omens. 

Every silent scream kept in place like a silent film. 

Expressions and impersonations of the damned. 

Outside the city of chalcedony, was a beautiful castle. 

The sky grey stone that built the castle gave it depression of old photography and winter.

Some of the windows to the castle were stained glass.

Not a kaleidoscope of puzzle pictures to display to the eyes but just blown carnival glass. 

White lilies and white roses lined the pewter colored gates surrounding the castle. 

Walnut trees and dark violet plum trees accented the castle property. 

The background to the castle was a bird garden filled with statues of angels and bird baths. Along with rock and fountains. 

The inside of the castle was its own fairytale. 

The entry way had a vintage carousel horse and a grandfather clock. 

The princess was thin and beautiful. She looked like a Greek goddess. 

Her name was Jessica Anne. Jessica wore a modest strand of black pearls around her neck. She wore two different bracelets. On her right wrist she wore a silver bracelet with an Onyx cat dangling off of it. On her left wrist she wore an amber bracelet. When Jessica was in public with her husband, she wore a heart locket as a necklace. It along with her wedding ring meant that she was completely taken. 

The princess kept an Egyptian Mau as a pet. 

The princess was married to a tall man. His name was Onyx Samour.

Onyx was an attractive man with piercing angel eyes. He was a genius. 

Onyx loved Jessica more than anything under God. 

They could talk to each other about anything. 

Every morning Onyx would wake up Jessica by slipping into bed beside her and gently putting his arms around her to hold her. 

He would whisper to her. 

Then they would drink their coffee in silence. 
He read the newspaper.
She looked at art books or magazines. 

They were both on a board or panel of people who were in charge of the world. 

In their kingdom- 
Nothing was broken or diseased.

The Black Plague War was finally over. Vaccines were distributed by the second to make sure no one fell apart again. 

But what the war did was unmistakable and no lie could cover its wake.

The truth was a headline anymore for the papers to scream out like an off key choir of idiots who just got the point. 

Jessica and Onyx were both in the process of fixing all the problems that were wrong with the world. 



Onyx left the boardroom with the other members. They shuffled every which way to be done with it. And the problem was fixed permanently. 

One of the women who had attended the meeting had no authority. She was a mousetrap of a secretary. 

Her name was milly Assyrian. 
She only attended the meeting to jot down notes about what everyone else had said. 

She was a spy. 

Milly walked right up to Onyx and said 

" I just can't get enough of looking at you in that suit. You look so powerful and sexy. "

Onyx by chance was not paying attention. 
He was texting something on his phone. 
He smiled, nodded and walked away.



        Jessica was at the kitchen sink washing her hands. Onyx came in with a box of candy for his wife. The candy was Black Scotch Treasure & CO Inc. 

The candies were a butterscotch sauce made from molasses and mixed with rum. It covered big juicy raisins. 



     When Jessica had to go out, Onyx stayed home with the cat.

  Milly came over for a surprise visit. She started to attempt to be provocative but she farted really loud and she scared the hell out of the cat. 
All she managed to do- 
Was basically arch her butt in the air like a dog in heat and then mark her territory. 

" Why are you here? "

" I thought you looked lonely and you need a friend who knows all the right places. "

" My marriage is not a business arrangement like your friendships. I am not your friend and I am not pathetic. You are looking for insider trading. Well you will not find it here. 
I suggest you find a new dartboard or a new prescription. 
Because whatever you are selling is not wanted or needed here. "

" She is not going to find out."

" That is not the point. You really think sex sells. I'm not in my car on a street corner. You came to me. I can have sex whenever I want it.  I don't treat my wife like she is not in the room. Besides you are nothing to me. And I don't care. Just leave. "

" Are you serious? "

" Yes. "

" I can't believe that. I'm so hot.  Do you know what I heard about your wife? I mean maybe you could do better? "

" Hear about my wife?  I married her because I actually loved her. I don't care what there is to hear. You have never even met my wife. You want me to listen to an opinion of a third person who also has never met her. All of this after I refuse you? Even if I was divorced- I really do not want someone like you. Get out of my life.  Get out of my house now."

" Well I feel violated and offended by your rudeness. "

" Milly- you came over to me twice. Uninvited. I did not touch you. I told you to leave. I told you no. You are the only one who can't take rejection. Just leave. "

Milly walked out of his house. 



     Jessica and Onyx created a new pill for the market that cured anything in one second. Literally no matter what stage you were at with any illness- swallow the pill and in one second you are permanently cured and can never be ill again, the world was safe again. 



    Milly was caught with all the other spyware idiots. They had to make restitution and pay back what was stolen. 


                      The End 

New story

I am going to write a new story idea later Saturday around 3:00 pm - unless I am up around 1 pm. 

I actually got to see split finally.
It was great. 
I love stuff like that. 
Psychological thriller.

I am ok.

I have my moments.

I feel- the same as I usually do.

I will get better.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Hands of Time



Jessica Singleton 

 You walk a straight 
shallow path
That no sees . 
you are too busy trying
 to keep behind the 
shadows and glare of the evening news.
I am sure you will wish this away too. 

Truth echoes and lies fade away like  dandelions in a breeze.
Every secret kept 
Every wish reflected 
Through a death watch  projector. 

I'm sorry I showed up late.
I was not awake 
I'm awake now 
I have decided to decline 
From this masquerade time capsule. 
I wish you well 
I really do 
I hope you find 
Your way back 
Whatever path lead me to you. 
I'm sorry I wasted your time. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Some things never go away completely

I'm human when I allow myself the knowledge of something.
But I don't want to feel that pain.
So my super human powers kick in when I bottle it up and I pretend that I'm okay.  
I'm not super anything. 
I'm not masochistic. 
I would never get in a car with someone who would hurt me.
But I'm human.
I have needs. 
I can see out of one of my eyes.
When I look at DWD -
I'm very attracted to him. I desire him based on the way he looks. 
I have never wanted anyone person more. 
But I'm single and to be honest-
There are over 100 men who kind of look like that. 
And they are not racist.
They might accept me.
They would never use me. 
They would possibly
 want me enough 
to not blow me off 
for someone else. 
They also would not attack me. 

The tolerance of kindness by Jessica Singleton

" They were as shallow 
as their front yards. " 
- Ernest Hemingway 

" You think you have seen the worst thing. The thing that coalesces all your nightmares into a freakish horror that actually exists. " - Stephen King 

" My wars are laid away in books. " - Emily Dickinson 


Jason was a thin man. He was so skinny that he looked like a bean pole. His wife was short and very thin. 

Jason was not allowed to smoke cigarettes in his own house. Because when his mother in law came by to visit, she had a radar for senses. His wife always became sad. So he would walk outside and stroll to the park for a smoke. 
On most days this was not a problem. But when it rains outside, you really don't want to be standing in the rain with a cigarette.

Jason almost wished his mother in law knew what it felt like to accommodate the needs of others by neglecting or abusing herself. It was a horrible thought but his thoughts were his only release from reality and knowledge. His imagination felt like his soul at times.

Jason would imagine his obnoxious mother in law walking through the front door and a butler would insist on putting her coat and purse away for her.
But she would throw a stinking fit like a loud child. Of course she could never go without her purse. That was like a life jacket. Then her coat could never leave her side either. She was always complaining about the temperature in Jason's home. Did not matter what he set it at, she was never happy. 
So the butler being a respected man who always listens to the lady of the house would pick her up with her pathetic items and he would put them all into the hallway closet,
Then her obnoxious amplified demands would echo from the dark hall.
Everyone who came to visit would wonder if Jason left the radio on.
He would assure them he did not leave the radio on. 
And in return, all his company would point out how annoying  Bri his mother in law was to listen to.
Then the bag of wind would have that second opinion she was seeking from beyond. 

Jason thought of using his vacation time to go see the world with his wife. She was worried about chi. Considering how pathetic and lonely the bag of wind was. 
If they left town, what would become of mother Bri ? 
Jason knew not to ask what his wife had in mind.
But he asked her what she wanted. 

" Well mother should come with us. We can pay for her too, she deserves it. "

Jason realized that he would be taking a vacation with his wife and her mother. So he would not be able to smoke on a ten hour flight. A flight narrated by his mother in law. Then the consolidation prize would be if there was a bingo hall, so she could gamble the pennies she saved from the h bomb. 
And if she gets bored, even though she is the reason why no one does anything, you can hope the hotel lobby has magazines. If one has a recipe, then she will spend all night rehearsing it.  More like a crazy bird mocking something mediocre until it is as important as the United States flag. 

Jason sat in the park with his cigarette and then he walked home. 

Normally unless it is payday-
Good news is rare.

Jason walked into his house and then his wife told him the great news.

" mother gave me all my inheritance upfront. She is senile. Well a lawyer did it so it's legal and permanent. She is going back to her nursing home. Now she will be happy with her friend. We don't have to deal with her anymore. You can't visit her in the home for old people because you smoke. When I visit, I will have to do it alone. We are free to do whatever we want and we don't have to be punished for insanity anymore. "

                                The End 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Questionable definitions

Definition of questionable words used around the 4th of July.

Oppression - 

  1. prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control.

    "a region shattered by oppression and killing"


    • the state of being 
      subject to 
      treatment or 

    • ----

      Liberty- the state of being
       free within society from 
      oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.


      Autonomy-freedom from 
      external control or influence; independence. 




      Inhuman -

      1. 1. 
        lacking human qualities 
        of compassion
         and mercy;
         cruel and barbaric.

      2. synonyms:


        So according to the month of July-

        It is Independence Day
        On the 4th.

        So no one ever for the
        History of
        Time has to know
        Lack of judgement
        Abuse by state
        Or government
        Feels like.

        Because there are rules.