The Definition of a
" A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface. "
1919 Dolomite Ave was the address to a graveyard in a very important metropolitan city .
A great black cast iron gate guarded the site from further desecration.
At the top of the gate's French doors stood two metal balls.
More of swinging piece of art.
Like open arms morphing off into Newtons Cradle.
The marble slabs of the butcher's block read like a Hiaku of Omens.
Every silent scream kept in place like a silent film.
Expressions and impersonations of the damned.
Outside the city of chalcedony, was a beautiful castle.
The sky grey stone that built the castle gave it depression of old photography and winter.
Some of the windows to the castle were stained glass.
Not a kaleidoscope of puzzle pictures to display to the eyes but just blown carnival glass.
White lilies and white roses lined the pewter colored gates surrounding the castle.
Walnut trees and dark violet plum trees accented the castle property.
The background to the castle was a bird garden filled with statues of angels and bird baths. Along with rock and fountains.
The inside of the castle was its own fairytale.
The entry way had a vintage carousel horse and a grandfather clock.
The princess was thin and beautiful. She looked like a Greek goddess.
Her name was Jessica Anne. Jessica wore a modest strand of black pearls around her neck. She wore two different bracelets. On her right wrist she wore a silver bracelet with an Onyx cat dangling off of it. On her left wrist she wore an amber bracelet. When Jessica was in public with her husband, she wore a heart locket as a necklace. It along with her wedding ring meant that she was completely taken.
The princess kept an Egyptian Mau as a pet.
The princess was married to a tall man. His name was Onyx Samour.
Onyx was an attractive man with piercing angel eyes. He was a genius.
Onyx loved Jessica more than anything under God.
They could talk to each other about anything.
Every morning Onyx would wake up Jessica by slipping into bed beside her and gently putting his arms around her to hold her.
He would whisper to her.
Then they would drink their coffee in silence.
He read the newspaper.
She looked at art books or magazines.
They were both on a board or panel of people who were in charge of the world.
In their kingdom-
Nothing was broken or diseased.
The Black Plague War was finally over. Vaccines were distributed by the second to make sure no one fell apart again.
But what the war did was unmistakable and no lie could cover its wake.
The truth was a headline anymore for the papers to scream out like an off key choir of idiots who just got the point.
Jessica and Onyx were both in the process of fixing all the problems that were wrong with the world.
Onyx left the boardroom with the other members. They shuffled every which way to be done with it. And the problem was fixed permanently.
One of the women who had attended the meeting had no authority. She was a mousetrap of a secretary.
Her name was milly Assyrian.
She only attended the meeting to jot down notes about what everyone else had said.
She was a spy.
Milly walked right up to Onyx and said
" I just can't get enough of looking at you in that suit. You look so powerful and sexy. "
Onyx by chance was not paying attention.
He was texting something on his phone.
He smiled, nodded and walked away.
Jessica was at the kitchen sink washing her hands. Onyx came in with a box of candy for his wife. The candy was Black Scotch Treasure & CO Inc.
The candies were a butterscotch sauce made from molasses and mixed with rum. It covered big juicy raisins.
When Jessica had to go out, Onyx stayed home with the cat.
Milly came over for a surprise visit. She started to attempt to be provocative but she farted really loud and she scared the hell out of the cat.
All she managed to do-
Was basically arch her butt in the air like a dog in heat and then mark her territory.
" Why are you here? "
" I thought you looked lonely and you need a friend who knows all the right places. "
" My marriage is not a business arrangement like your friendships. I am not your friend and I am not pathetic. You are looking for insider trading. Well you will not find it here.
I suggest you find a new dartboard or a new prescription.
Because whatever you are selling is not wanted or needed here. "
" She is not going to find out."
" That is not the point. You really think sex sells. I'm not in my car on a street corner. You came to me. I can have sex whenever I want it. I don't treat my wife like she is not in the room. Besides you are nothing to me. And I don't care. Just leave. "
" Are you serious? "
" Yes. "
" I can't believe that. I'm so hot. Do you know what I heard about your wife? I mean maybe you could do better? "
" Hear about my wife? I married her because I actually loved her. I don't care what there is to hear. You have never even met my wife. You want me to listen to an opinion of a third person who also has never met her. All of this after I refuse you? Even if I was divorced- I really do not want someone like you. Get out of my life. Get out of my house now."
" Well I feel violated and offended by your rudeness. "
" Milly- you came over to me twice. Uninvited. I did not touch you. I told you to leave. I told you no. You are the only one who can't take rejection. Just leave. "
Milly walked out of his house.
Jessica and Onyx created a new pill for the market that cured anything in one second. Literally no matter what stage you were at with any illness- swallow the pill and in one second you are permanently cured and can never be ill again, the world was safe again.
Milly was caught with all the other spyware idiots. They had to make restitution and pay back what was stolen.
The End
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