Friday, August 24, 2018

What is it worth to take another life by Jessica Singleton

You never take the time to think when you are caught up in yourself. And it takes up all of you while you are not looking. And you can spin around until you smile. But now you are out of breath and out of time. It's a shame to see life depreciate. Someone should have  told you that you mattered before it was too late. You should have taken more time to care about yourself before you could not rewind again. 
Now you are watching what is left of your own time slip away from your finger tips. 
Every life is priceless and should have a fair chance. 
You've managed to keep your hands out of the light for this long. 
Surprising considering how many skeletons you are responsible for. 
I'm sure they push you to the edge. 
It's behind your smile. 
But now you're just another public awareness add to a guest list to hell. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

Wooden Button by Jessica Singleton

Fictional Short Story 

Once upon a time, there lived a small child named Jessica. She was an orphan who was adopted by a clockmaker named Mr. Taybit.
He was tall and thin. 
Mr. Taybit never paid attention to Jessica. So Jessica spent her time reading books with her stuffed bear. 
The little teddy bear never left Jessica's side until she was in school. When Jessica came home, the tiny bear was sitting on her bed waiting for her. 

One day Mr.Taybit took Jessica to see a circus. 
It was the best day of her life. 

In one tent there was a man with a puppet. The toy talked like a human. Jessica did not know that the puppet was controlled by a ventriloquist. 
She thought the puppet was like Pinocchio. Jessica could not speak well, so she referred to Pinocchio as poppy seed. 

When Jessica grew up there was not much she could afford. So the church paid for her to go to a convent, where she would be a nun. 
It was all she had and she loved it because she loved god. 
God was the closest thing to understanding what it felt like to be loved and accepted. 

After Jessica joined the convent, she met a young man her own age named William. William never told the truth. The only reason William signed up to be a priest, was as a joke. 
But no one knew. 
William took advantage of Jessica's kindness and eventually found a better game to play. 
William decided to act like he lost his ability to keep his promise to God because he was in love with Jessica. 
William made Jessica fall in love with him. They dated in secret until Jessica found out that she was pregnant. 
Then William laughed at her and dumped her. The church kicked her out because she was not a virgin anymore. 

Jessica received a job at a office across town. Then she bought a lottery ticket and she won a lot of money. 

She used the money to buy a house. She had enough to buy furniture and appliances. 

Her son was named Robin Francis.
Jessica read her son story books and she told him the same circus story over and over. 
She did not want her son growing up sad or confused. 
She was afraid that he would feel unloved by his father and he may feel like a burden on his mother.
Jessica actually saw her son as a blessing because he gave her, her own family. 
She was never completely happy with the idea of being a nun. 

When Robin Francis grew up he became a famous photographer. 

He loved his mother so much. 

One day when Robin was in town he bought a puppet from a thrift shop for his mother. 

She loved it. 

The puppet had a back story that Jessica did not know about yet. 



Oswaldo the great 

Oswaldo was a tall man who was thousands of years old. 
He was a wizard. 

When Oswaldo was a child, his little brother was different. His brother had an insane human for a mother. So he was not immortal like Oswaldo. 
The little brother was always running around and getting into everything. 
Oswaldo loved his little brother but he could not always be there. 
His little brother's name was Crown.

Crown always wanted to play outside instead of inside. 

One night when everyone was asleep, Crown went outside to go swimming. It was freezing and Crown got sick. 
Then he died.
His ghost stayed around his older brother. 
Oswaldo was psychic and he could see his brother. 
Crown complained about the other ghost hurting him. So Oswaldo put Crown's spirit into a puppet. 
That way he was protected. 
There was a relic that was pinned to the puppet's shirt. It locked his brother into the puppet and kept out anyone else. 



The tipsy brothers 

Jack and Jon were called the tipsy brothers because they liked cake and they were always tipping the bottle.
Jack was married to a tall woman named Cameron. She was a gold digger who had to settle for a marriage to a low life white supremacist. That should be embarrassing because he bullies people. But his wife was pathetic and was only concerned with money. 
They were lazy mean liars who took advantage of anyone that they came across. 

It did not give them the allure of being a gangster. , or even  the concept of being in charge.  Actually it made them come off like pathetic leprechauns. 

One brother ran an apartment house so he could bully elderly people. 
The other brother ran a thrift shop/ pawn shop so he could rob people.

Oswaldo lived in the apartment house owned by the two idiot brothers.

He avoided them as much as he could.

One day Jon saw the inside of Oswaldo 's home. His eyes lit up and Jon knew he found big money. 

So Jon called the state to have Oswaldo sent  off to a hospital for insane medical care. He lied to the authorities. 

Oswaldo was taken down town to be examined. The authorities did not need five minutes to figure out that Oswaldo was healthy and sane. 

Jon was a shady man who the authorities received constant complaints about. 

So they let Oswaldo go back to his life. 

When Oswaldo got home, those bird brained brothers had cleaned out his stuff and evicted Oswaldo. 

Oswaldo got a lawyer and sued their cheap assets off. 

Oswaldo moved into the same building as Jessica. 

Oswaldo realized that Jessica had a puppet. Not just any puppet. It was his little brother Crown.

Oswaldo became friends with Jessica. He told her about the puppet and what the tipsy brothers did to him. 
She willingly gave Oswaldo back his puppet. 




Oswaldo changed his appearance with magic and he went into the thrift shop owned by the tipsy brothers. 
Once finding his puppet, he wanted to buy back the rest of his things. 

Oswaldo put two wooden nickels on the counter to pay. 

Jon laughed and mocked him. But while Jon was not paying attention, Oswaldo turned the wooden tokens into solid gold dollars.

It made Jon look stupid for his loud misunderstanding. 

The money was real now but it came with a curse. It made Jon more greedy, which made him spend until he was homeless. Because everyone has to pay bills. 

Then Jacky bought the apartment house that Oswaldo moved into, so he could pull his nasty tricks there. 

And the strangest thing happened. Jacky did not put out a wet floor sign. He tripped into his own ignorance and he died from a bad fall. 

The authorities found a wooden button beside him. 

The puppet master noticed his brother was missing a button on his shirt. 

Everything finally became perfect because no monsters were waiting in the dark corners to attack anyone anymore. 

The End 

Random story idea

When I think of freedom, I remember the parts of my childhood that were not nightmares. 
When I was a child, I would stare out the window at all the grey weather. I hated being locked up. But it was cold and rainy. I liked going for a car ride with my parents. We always stopped off somewhere to get a drink. 
Things like that seem simple. Most of my life I felt trapped and abused. I wanted to go anywhere else. 
Until the walls that abused me, became my sanctuary. 
I felt so broken that I just lied in bed staring off into space. 
Eventually I started to take off. 
I went everywhere that I could but like everything else, it was not anything that I would want.
I wanted to be happy but that word was a foreign exchange that had an under taste. 
When you travel, you see the item of your obsession in front of you. 
That's it.
Unless you can touch, taste, hear or smell it, you might as well be looking at the picture instead. 
Shopping, eating and entertaining is it. You sit through life staring at the wall.
Unless you work. 
Then if you get married, you're stuck talking to that other person. Until you have sex with them. Then when you have a child with them, you try to make sure that they don't talk to the child so they don't screw it up. 

Life is just existing.
The only difference between your life or someone else's life is a matter of who has a better prescription to get through it. 
Sadly I don't know how to answer people when they say that I should find a way to be happy. I think that what they mean to say is,
That they enjoy abusing me. That they think I should find a way to look past the abuse. 
Even if I was not constantly humiliated, abused and punished, what is there? I mean life is pathetic and boring. Do they think that I will climb a mountain or practice zen?
I am sick of being mocked as much as I am sick of being abused. 

So I'm going to write a story . 

The kettle 
Jessica Singleton 

When you live in fear most of your life, then it's a foreign concept to think that you will not have to keep looking over your shoulder. 
It's not a desire for the worst possibility, it's the caution of reality.
I came from a dark place and I knew things that would make you wonder if they were really asleep.  
So when I moved into my new house, I kept the kettle on the stove. It's the idea that in case you can't sleep or you're up late due to the war outside that there is always a warm pot of water for tea or coffee. 
The first moments of starting over are always the worst because it feels like you lost some part of yourself. If you had your old life back, then you would not be here doing all of the obvious again. 
I realized that I was pushing everyone away. So I made myself think before I spoke. People deserve a chance to express how they feel. I don't have to agree with them but I can respect them for what they are. 
I can't believe how far I have come. 
Shortly after in my perfect clean house, I met a company who could help me with my case. I had more than enough time. It actually didn't take much and I was able to get somewhere with my case. I got all of my money back. It did not take a day or a week. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Sarotonin marathon

I'm at home alone in Dewey Oklahoma. 
I stayed home alone all day. 
Those people got together. 
Taylor in drag on the radio. 
I'll pass on that verse.

I should write a new story. 

The other night I had an idea for ventriloquist story. 

Older women received a puppet from her son.
It had belonged to a wizard in another life. It's where he kept the soul of his brother. 
The puppet comes to life to avenge elderly people who are being treated very badly. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Happy 😊 Birthday to Donnie

I think I am a fan.
But Birthdays are supposed to feel like Friday night with the people you care about. I hope he has the best time. 
I don't bust a move. I'm sorry but I wish him well, even though I don't know him personally. 

Five dollars says he gets chocolate cake.

I think it's the most popular.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Solitude confinement

I'm not in a padded room right now. 
I'm in my room again. 
I cleaned a lot today. 
I relaxed by laying down and trying to clear my head. I worshiped in my house alone. 
I read very little out of my bible.
I got some bad carrots. 
More like mystery cafeteria carrots. 
Not to be eaten. 
I'm not into fermented veggies. 
Wine is from tiny grapes.
But funky is where I draw the line. 
The blessing of kindness. 
Everything should be fair. 

When you see something from a distance without your glasses, it's interesting what happens when you get closer to the object of your interest. 

Pictures speak like words. 
Like puzzles. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

R N R by Jessica Singleton

Darkness unwinds to the rhythm of your breath on the back of my neck.
I'm Transcended to a place I cannot reach in my waking hour. 
You are an aphrodisiac from reality.
You captivate me completely. 
Nothing rejects your fantasy.
It's become my own reality.
What you do is mesmerizing and beautiful.
You are a lighthouse in a vicious storm.
And you have become my minds salvation. 

I owe his shadow nothing

There are people in this world and they don't know what anything is until they see other people looking about it. They don't care for it. But they would sever their own spine, if only they could meet the upward glance.
They wish for people to look up to them. Oddly I wonder what they would see. Surely nothing is there. Nothing but a poor reflection of you and me. 
They talk about the world and anything they just heard. 
They hope someone will learn from them. Nothing but a sad life of despair and desperation.
It's actually pathetic how benign they are. 
You would think that they could see how embarrassing they are. 
Then they would stop bothering other people. 
They seem to think that they deserve something. 
They don't have anything unless they steal it from someone else. 
It's almost a joke in itself. 
They are like a cheap tape recorder. 
It's always the b side of a bad play back.
More like a cheap toy that winds up by a key or when you pull the tampon stick out of their ass , they can only say one of 3 obnoxious things. 
In the worst robotic voice over. 
And in the end 
As the truth echoes 
They are left standing while everything goes back to where it should. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Today is international Book Day

Happy International Book 📚 Day ! 

This is to everyone who still believes in once upon a time and the power of imagination. 

I think theses things have a beginning and then they all live happily ever after. 

" You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you. " - Isadora Duncan 

" Well in my world, books would be filled with nonsense and colored pictures. " - Alice

" My wars are laid away in Books. " - Emily Dickinson 

" Because after all, a persons a person. No matter how small. " - Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

International Cat Day

Today is international Cat Day. 
I love cats.
I don't have pets anymore 
but I actually love cats. 

So happy Cat lover day.