I'm not a strong person.
I suppose I must come off like Wonder Woman.
But the truth is- I am scared shitless and
I have no choice but to keep
holding onto my own life if I
don't want to lose it forever.
It's daylight savings time.
Lost hour.
Pathetic excuse.
But no matter what anyone person did-
They don't deserve to be used as bait for my protege.
I don't want more strings keeping my highwire in place
only to be the thread of life support
that kills a man
I could only wish to know.
Life is a priceless gift.
I'm alone and broken.
I'm not as shiny as I once was.
I'm afraid of falling again.
I don't deserve to be broken again.
But what scares me more-
The idea that this self indulgent
man sewn war
Is the excuse to drag someone
like you into a place that
you really don't deserve to be.
You have become my responsibility.
I don't think I could pass you by on the street.
Anyone would love to talk with you.
I just don't trust the circumstances surrounding me.
You should be careful.
You matter to me.
I have no idea what you think you will find here.
I'm not much.
No more than anyone else.
I'm sorry if I have gotten you wrong again.
I'm sharp around people these days.
He does not have a good reason to understand.
He will see this and think of you as he forms my words into an attack.
I would be honored to call him my friend but I don't trust him.
I will go back to respecting him and finding him desirable.
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