Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tell if you have a problem

There is no sense in people in the world being attacked, harassed, robbed or violated in any formation. 

If you live in the USA and you are having problems with something that is illegal and it's effecting your life- report it asap. 

Ice and wiki leaks is the best form of telling. 

Ice is above everything.

They even look into foreign problems. 

Here are some links-






Monday, January 28, 2019

That isn't the man you are anymore 

I was wondering through the mail on my way up the drive and I saw your old car parked down the road. 
I kept thinking about all the things that you used to say.
Promises that eventually took you away.
I never kept you long and neither did they.
Then I realized I don't see you for what you are.
I probably never did.
I have always lied to myself in that way,
I had to realize that no matter what you were to me,

That isn't the man you are anymore.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Chandelier map
To tcm 
Cascades of mirrors reflect from your expression
 everything that I meant to say 
I'm afraid to remember. 
You deserve my reflection 
but I'm afraid 
that I'm too fragile 
to echo. 
You are precious 
You have no idea 
How priceless you are.
I already know that I love you. 
I could never tare you in two. 
I don't want to use you.
You have become a crystal season in the mountains of dreams to me. 
I celebrate you every night now.
You are my July in December. 

You make me feel alive again and free

Sunday, January 6, 2019

I bought two dvds this month. One is Mission Impossible fallout. The other ( Halloween 2018) 
I preordered. 
I wish life was easier. I always forget stuff at the store. So I have had to order wood cleaner and q tips through the mail. 

That would be me.

Always forgetting that one thing. 

I really wanted to see those movies.
I'm not just saying that. 

I moved stuff around.

I'm not okay with why?