Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My phone is not letting me call

I tried making a call on my phone. It is silent or it drops the call completely. The speaker button is not working at all. So I reported it to AT&T. They don’t know what is wrong. They said that they would look into it.

I don’t think it’s by chance.

I think someone is trying to block me from getting somewhere with my case or they are trying to steal something.

I have a headache and I don’t like this.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

National Doll Day

Today is National Doll Day!
I am a fan of dolls!
I am an adult and I still collect.

So this is an amazing day.

I am so happy this is great news.

Better than the 5 o’clock circus.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Original idea by only me

I came up with an original idea for a story.

It’s about putting leprechauns with vampires 
Mixed breed 

Here is an insert 

Leprechauns were a bloodsucking greedy creature that stole other people’s money and hid it in a black caldron. Leprechauns were called chauns because they coned with with a charm. Most mortals see gold or anything shiny and they want to pick it up. But it’s a trap. You cannot steal or borrow what is not yours. Once the onlooker even touches the gold, it is the time the leprechaun will spring out of no where. They will bite. The human is drained of everything and they disappear as though they never existed. Do not touch a leprechauns gold.