Sunday, May 26, 2019

Happy Memorial Day to the world 🌎

Happy Memorial Day !

God Bless us all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

PickledEar and current by Jessica singleton ( fictional story)

Once upon a time , there was this beautiful garden. The garden was like winter.  All of the flowers were white and crystal colors. It was a statue garden dedicated to saints and angels. In the center of the garden was a beautiful labyrinth made out of carnival glass. There was a Great Wall facing the center of the garden. In the center of the garden stood a beautiful fountain.
The wall facing the center of the garden was  like a hidden door. It was almost invisible to the naked eye but it had a mirror essence to it like a reflection unlike the other walls. The princess that owned the garden liked Robins.
She had a pet Robin named ribbon. Ribbon followed her everywhere. The princess taught ribbon to stand on one side of the wall, while the princess would stand on the other side of the wall.
The princess would pull the latch and the wall would spin them to the opposite side.
The illusion made the princess look like she turned into a bird or that a bird turned into a princess in a red dress. 
The king was an intelligent man who collected maps and wind roses.
He was a wealthy man. he had a great kind heart. He was always looking for another adventure on the sea.  
On the princess's birthday her father gave her a beautiful glass lamp, a journal made of leather and a beautiful godinger heart locket. 
The princess's birthday cake was vanilla cake 
Light blue white chocolate ganache frosting. Almond slivers dusted the top of the cake.

One night a stranger came to their castle.
He was thin as though nothing he ate could make him gain weight. 
The man wore a green silk bow tie and pointed tip boots.

The princess was sitting by the window reading from a book of poetry. The poetry was written by Collins. He was a Christian writer who always made life seem like a beautiful painting. 
The king was looking at a chessboard and drinking coffee.
The queen was sipping tea and talking with her tiny dog.

The butler brought in the stranger.
Everyone looked up from what they were doing.

" Your Majesty, this is Mr. PickledEar. He claims that he has important business that you would want to hear. "

" Alright thank you butler Mr. Toad. "

The butler left the room. 

The thin man pulled a map from his jacket and began to explain to the king that he held a map in his possession that led to the mountain Alexandria. 

Mountain Alexandria was a myth in current day. 

No one had any proof that it existed. 

The mountain was marked on maps dating back 500 years but abruptly after the 14 th century the mountain was not there. It could not have moved. Mountains don't walk away but no one could find it.

"This map , your majesty is real. It was owned by Testler himself. I would love for your backing my voyage and to accompany me to find it. "

Testler was a brilliant scientist who was the man who originally re wrote maps to change the world. 

The map was authentic.

The king knew he was being used for his ships and money to pay for the trip but he wanted to find the mountain Alexandria .

It honestly sounded amazing.

The king agreed to the trip because he had the fastest ships in the world.

The king agreed and the trip was set for the following weekend.

The king walked with a walnut pewter stick. He was not in need of a cane. At the top of the walking stick sat a grey pigeon. The pigeon kept its eyes closed like carved wooden angels.
The point of the stick was security for the king.
When the king needed help, the bird took flight and went where the king sent him with a message tied to his leg.

To the on looking world, it was just a painted bird.

The bird was real.

The bird was named Current because the king trusted the bird as much as the sea.

Current would do anything for a treat.

Current's favorite treats were oatmeal cookie crumbs.

The king took 7 of his knights for the trip and current.

Once on the sea far away from civilization, the king found himself not trusting the thin man who called himself pickledear. PickledEar was always making up new excuses or lying about the stupidest things. 
One night the king and his knights were heading to the upper deck for dinner when PickledEar took them by surprise and locked the king and his men up. The king had his walking stick so he wrote a message and current flew out the window .

The king and his men were brought fresh water and a slice of bread from PickledEar.

PickledEar told the king that he would steal the ship and pretend that there was a storm that destroyed the ship along with the king.

PickledEar told the king to make the bread and water last because that's all that he and his men would receive. 
Current flew faster than time back to the castle and he gave the princess the note. The princess got ten of the Kings other knights to accompany the princess with current to find the king.

It did not take long.

They over took the ship and after a strange battle they all stood on the deck.

PickledEar spoke in a frustrated unsteady voice 
" well princess, you are indeed out numbered here. You being a god fearing woman, I suppose you can't take a mans life. So let me go. "

PickledEar had a gun to her father's head.

The princess was a Christian and she hated the man for what he did to her father. 

Of all the cruel jokes to plague upon someone's kindness and trust.

She started to cry and she said,
"God please help me."
PickledEar started to laugh. 
"Are you praying to God?"

The sun came out from behind the clouds. 

When the sun came out the wind slightly blew. A particle of saw dust flew onto PickledEar's shoulder.
Current thought the dust was a treat. Current flew towards PickledEar pecking at him and squeaking happily. PickledEar started to wave his arms for the bird to go away but current thought PickledEar was playing with him. The bird did not mean to poke PickledEar but he was . PickledEar tried to move away. PickledEar ended up tripping on his own feet and following overboard. The gun slipped out of his hand and landed on the deck. One of the Kings knights picked the gun up in time.

They went back to shore and PickledEar and his men were arrested.

The king went out on his own after that.

He found mountain Alexandria and it was perfect. 

The End