Monday, September 23, 2019

Now everyone can walk around topless in Oklahoma , even woman

It is legal now for women to
walk around topless in
Dewey Oklahoma.

I will still keep my shirt on.

Save the boobs


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fundraising for my yard

I keep seeing people make
their own fundraisers on Facebook.

I don't have a puppy foundation.

I just need a lawnmower that
actually works and I need pants.

I don't know but why not.

I will not spend the money,
until I have raised the correct amount.

I had a go fund me / PayPal me account.

I never received anything.

Someone said people donated
to me but if they did , I never received it.

I don't know what they are talking about.
I reported PayPal to the Feds .

I have not heard from the Feds either.

I have some idea that someone
has donated to my  Facebook
personal poor is me account.

If you want to see it or donate to me -

Here is a link but you will probably
 have to copy & paste. me