Monday, June 20, 2016


I guess people use these things to talk about their views on everything from the news to celebrity gossip.  I don't really gossip.  I hardly get to see the news. I can't imagine anyone not knowing what is going on in the world.  Most people know the world events ten years before me.  So if I decided to post the world events, it would make me a big joke...

I'm up at one in the morning, because my sleeping pill has not kicked in yet.  Why not write a blog. Maybe it will bore me enough to put me in sleeps arms.

I did hear from my mother about that Orlando event. The one where that guy killed all those people.  That was too much.  I do not understand people like that.  He was pathetic.  I do not have anything to say about that.  I feel sorry for the people who survived the ones who are dead.  It is hard to lose the ones you love.  Even in natural causes, years later, you never let it go.  But to have that happen is worse.  They were to young to know death.  They did not ask for it.  They were wide awake when death came. There was no mercy and they would have been in pain.  You always think of what if and what you should have said.  You remember them in moments from the past.  You cannot get it out of your head.  Its like a chance that you let slip by.  As though you're going to get it back.  Cause you cannot have it back and you need them to know that you love them.  I know loss but not through that tragedy.  There are no words when you lose the ones that you love.  Your heart will break if you think your family is upset or in pain.  Its just not okay.

"If certain when this life was out, that yours and mine should be, then I'd toss it yonder like a rend, and I'd taste eternity." - Emily Dickinson

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