Monday, December 23, 2019

I don't normally write Christmas stories. Because I don't really see the point. I decided to write a story sort of Christmas oriented or gift oriented as I should say.

Golden knobs and red ribbons
Jessica Singleton 

Once upon a time in a faraway village there lived an old Man who made grandfather clocks. He carved the wood by hand and he would melt down gold watches to make the hands and the pendulum. The man was sort of considered a magical by a lot of people because they couldn't imagine how many wrist watches it took to make a pendulum , let alone a series of clock parts. What they didn't know about the short thin man , was behind his home was a great mountain and it was a Goldmine. His wife made jewelry. She mostly made golden pocket watches that were supposed to look vintage. Her name was Anna. She owned One of the most prestigious jewelry stores on the Eastern shore line. Some people said that her husband looked like what they considered Santa Claus. He wasn't any type of Santa Claus he was a real man who just kind of looked  like a gnome. Every year his wife Anna and he would go to the angel tree at that  the Salvation Army would put out and they would pick out as many children as their hands could carry.  They would buy the children as many Christmas presents as were listed. Anything that the children's hearts desired was wrapped in golden wrapping paper and crowned with a red ribbon and a silver bell. 
Then the presents were handed to the Salvation Army for delivery. 
One year when they were out looking for toys and Anna noticed that the little girl she was shopping for was a toddler. The five year old girl  wanted a teddy bear for Christmas. The toy stores  sold every teddy bear that were on the shelves.
Anna really wanted the little girl to have what she wanted for Christmas. 
So Anna ask her husband if he could make a bear. He looked at her and he said I think somehow around the house we probably have just about everything it would take to make a toy but I'd have to carve the wooden bear structure. I guess it would be like taxidermy for toys I suppose. Maybe an hours work. So Anna and her husband went home and her husband took some wood from his shop and he carved a teddy bear. He took an old vintage wool coat that belonged to his mother and he put soft grey wool on the bear. Then he Took a fur coat and cut some of it so that the bear would have furry paws and feet. He took some buttons that he had in the back on one of his old coats. But the eyes didn't seem as lifelike. So his wife Anna Took some old costume jewelry and she found some glass black beads. She made glass eyes for the bear . She made a leather nose and a velvet tongue and mouth. She found a silk blue ribbon and tied it around the Bears neck putting a single tiny silver bell hanging from it. The little girl had ask for help for her mother because her mother was very poor . Anna took a tiny box and filled it with money and wrapped it up and put it in the Bears arms as though it was a gift. The woman put a tag on the present box addressed to the little girls mother. 
Anna noticed that the little girl liked chocolate. So when they were taking the bear to the Salvation Army and stopped off at the chocolate shop in the mall and she filled up a bag filled with chocolates from all around the world . so when the toddler opened her gift she would have the perfect bear that  would offer the perfect gift for the little girl's mother. 

That night the man gave his wife her gift. He had no idea at first what to  buy his wife . they've been married for so long and she owned a jewelry store . Pit's hard to pick out anything for someone who has everything or they can actually make it. He imported a silk scarf for his wife, he bought his wife an emerald ring and on either side of the emerald was on one side her birthstone and on the other side of diamond her birthstone was turquoise he said it was to represent green was for Christmas , her birthstone was for the fact that it was her ring and the diamond was because he loved her and that reminded him of their engagement. He bought his wife a necklace to go with the ring . it was a locket and the keyhole was made of an emerald . he bought his wife a book that was a first edition Jane Austen and he bought his wife a bottle of perfume.
Anna bought her husband a vintage pocket watch of all things but this one actually was vintage and it did come from England. She bought her husband a paperweight for his desk in his office . it was a Waterford crystal bottle with a tiny pewter ship inside of it. And she bought him some shirts and slacks.
A couple days later when it was finally Christmas there was a baby deer outside of their house. Somehow it accidentally ended up on their property. 
When Anna called the park ranger to come pick it up he got out of his truck and he took one look at her and he had a funny look on his face.  because of the way that her and her husband looked. They were a tiny couple the man had a long white beard he had on a red stocking cap and he had found a baby deer behind his house.  he looked at them and they had a present in their hands and they said we were going to go deliver this but we saw this animal.  we come out of our house and well .,.
he smiled at them and he took the deer so it would be safe. When the ranger went back to his ranger station he told The man that works with him the story about a couple that looked exactly like something out of a fairytale and they were in a hurry to go deliver a gift because they had forgot it but they were finally going to deliver it but the only reason that they were in delay and the only reason he had to come to their property was because a baby deer was on their property for years later when the man went home and he told his children about the story-
 they thought he just made up a fairytale to make them feel like he had met Santa Claus but the truth is there really was a Anna and her husband .

the end.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Clairvoyant seat

I gave up on the parts of myself that were hurting me because they were never there anyway.
The world is worthless and pathetic. 
Hollywood is a racist joke that only insane people find humor in.
They watch a dying bird , 
Never to attempt to save it,
Because artist are worth more when they are dead. 
Besides I have gotten so used to being alone -

Everything else is foreign anymore.

Story idea by Jessica singleton me

The eye of one person is a contradiction to another mans eye.

I saw a man who did not use glasses to see correctly but by standing in his doorway and pretending that he was not secretly watching the room behind him.

No one thought to hide what they were doing because his back was turned from their sight.

And the full truth was completely exposed.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Now everyone can walk around topless in Oklahoma , even woman

It is legal now for women to
walk around topless in
Dewey Oklahoma.

I will still keep my shirt on.

Save the boobs


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fundraising for my yard

I keep seeing people make
their own fundraisers on Facebook.

I don't have a puppy foundation.

I just need a lawnmower that
actually works and I need pants.

I don't know but why not.

I will not spend the money,
until I have raised the correct amount.

I had a go fund me / PayPal me account.

I never received anything.

Someone said people donated
to me but if they did , I never received it.

I don't know what they are talking about.
I reported PayPal to the Feds .

I have not heard from the Feds either.

I have some idea that someone
has donated to my  Facebook
personal poor is me account.

If you want to see it or donate to me -

Here is a link but you will probably
 have to copy & paste. me

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Identity theft is a problem that has been attacking me

I'm really Jessica Singleton.
I live at 218 N Wyandotte Ave
In Dewey Oklahoma.
I'm not dead yet.
I'm alone.
Everyone knows that I live on my own.
Strangely enough-
I keep having problems.
Someone has been going around
impersonating me.
They lie and they do horrible things.
I'm not part of it.
I can't prove it yet.
I caught some crap she did
but they covered it up.
I don't know who all is doing this to me.
Her screen name is lady Macbeth.
She is wearing a mask.
My name isJessica Anne singleton.
She sits around literally
mocking my every move.
I am not related to this person.
Here we are compared to each other

She said she is baby Jess-
I don't have a baby
I changed my address with the
 dmv and the post office.
I used to live at bull dogger but
I moved out in 2016. I only lived at park view
before I moved back to
Dewey Oklahoma. Now I live on Wyandotte

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Skin deep

This is not a dream.
I'm not insane.
This is not me waking up to what 
I can't control.
I'm not wearing a mask.
Hollywood celebrities want to lie to cover up what they did.
I'm not a clown.
I'm human.
My name is Jessica.
I don't deserve to have my body cut and burnt because someone is racist and they want to pull an identity theft scam easier.

I really do not deserve this. 

I'm not some brainwashed brat who thinks that they are someone they are not. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Poem by me jessica singleton

Remember my Rembrandt 
Are you alone tonight 
I was hoping that you had the time 
I don't have much on my mind
I just needed to sort out what's in my head
I have no where to go
I have no one else to talk to.
I just wondered if I ever cross your mind?
Only when I close my eyes can I remember what I left behind. 
God it's been so long.
You'd never know it's me 
on this end of the line.
I have been through so much 
I don't have anything to say
But you are familiar in the way you always were.
I had to hear you again 
and I was hoping that I still cross your mind.
That I'm not gone yet
Not like yesterday.
I'm nothing new.
I'm still me
Just a little battled and bruised. 
Sorry it's late tonight 


Monday, August 5, 2019

Dresser for sale

I'm going to sale a Chester drawers / mirrored dresser. I don't know what it is called. It's not an antique. It looks like one of those reproductions that are in honor of the Victorian era of furniture. I am Asking $ 250.00 usd dollars.

If you are interested I don't deliver and I don't ship. 

You have to be able to come pick it up at my house. 

I live in Dewey Oklahoma.

My phone number is 

I'm here all the time. 

There is only one for sale. 

It's about 5 feet tall. I don't have the exact measurements. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Short story by me



Jessica Singleton 

When I moved into my house it felt like a Wednesday.
Wednesday is not a Monday.
The thought of Monday is a metaphor of a slap in the face by ice rain and a buzzer alarm set to the moment that I am not ready. 

Wednesday is not Friday.
Friday feels like hope or the possibility of relief.

Wednesday is the middle ground.

The place that I came from was a nightmare.

It's hard to feel hope, once the curtain has been opened and all you see is a brick wall.

I felt like a cornered animal that had hardly gotten away from the vicious creature that wanted to eat me.

It took me awhile to adjust to the peace of mind that comes with abandonment.

Abandonment is a word defined by being left alone.

I ran away from the house of abuse.

The world abandoned my cry for help and so I ran away as soon as I could.

Once alone-
I noticed that I kept looking over my own shoulder.

I could not say if I was paranoid that I would be followed or if I could not get used to being safe.

It was a foreign concept to believe in peace , tranquility and safety.

I assumed that I would never find myself trusting anyone again.

I really did not feel like socializing anyway.

What is there to talk about or do?

No one can understand or define another person until they walk in their shoes.

I was sick of only talking about my past. 

It felt like I was being interrogated.

I felt like most my life was spent talking about yesterday.

I wanted to be free to finally live my life.

I realized one day when I looked at my own reflection that I needed a haircut and some new clothes.

Apparently I had not been out in a long time. 

I went to the Washington Park Mall.

I got a haircut at Super 6 Register.

I bought a few outfits at JC Penny and I had lunch at Subway.

I decided to buy myself a new book.

I went to Boarders and I started looking around.

I found a new Collins book.

He is a warm lit invitation to tranquility.

I'm impressed with his poetry. He is an invigorating man.

As I was about to turn the corner of a shelf of murder mysteries, I walked right into a tall thin man.

He was a piece of art to look at. 

He had on a pair of jeans, a white button up shirt and a sweater. He was wearing old sneakers. He had a Mark Twain book in his hands.

I am not a dog.
I don't gawk at people.

But I kept looking at him. In fact I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He was like something out of a dream.

I apologized to him. 

We started talking and then he invited me to a class he was teaching at the community center.

He was giving seminars on classic novels and the impressions they made on society throughout history.

I started attending his classes.

Before long we were spending a lot of time together.

I noticed one day he was wearing a wedding ring.

Technically nothing had happened yet. But I was already in love with him. 

I had to ask if he married.

He became withdrawn and he would not talk about it.

That night he left and I did not hear from him again.

It hurt.

I could not say that I had sex with him yet.

But I could say that I had spent every night with him for two years.

I could save that I loved him.

Every night before he left me , he would hold me in his arms and he had already told me that he loved me. 

I did not understand if he was done with me or why he never said anything before now?

This was a first for me.

I never noticed that ring before now.

In fact he never wore it.

A few days passed and then I got a letter in the mail from him. It was a Monday.

I never thought that I would say Monday would be amazing.

He told me that he used to be married but not anymore.

Over ten years before he met me , he married a woman who seemed normal. After he was married to her for a few years he realized that she was mentally insane. She was in control of herself but she was horrible. 
She cheated and verbally abused him. She would blame him and she would turn the conversation around as though she had no other choice.

She would make him feel like he drove her into someone else's arms.

He was broken about the cheating but her words were worse.

He filled for divorce but the day she received the papers she tried to kill her self. She ended up in a coma.

Her family just wanted to pull the plug.

No one wanted the burden.

He still loved her,
So he kept her alive for years.

She came out of it but when she came back she was different. She was like a child in the head and he did not want to abandon her.
By then he was not in love with her but he felt sorry for her. 

She died naturally by cancer.

He felt her ghost everywhere.

His therapist called it guilt over loss. 

Every year on her birthday he would visit her grave . 

He never could find a way to say it was over. 

By chance he was still wearing his ring when he came over to my house after.

He apologized to me.

It's hard to want to start over or to want married life again.

He gave me a key that he said works everywhere .

I accepted.

The End 

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Bright Idea 💡 For Dinner

Blind side
Jessica Singleton 

There once was a woman who was blind in her right eye. She suffered from paranoia and depression. 
The word around her treated her like she was pathetic and out of style because she could not see what the rest of the world could. 
She was paranoid but she had a gift that ran in her family. She could see the flip side to reality. She was psychic and she could see the dead.
The world is a cold dark place when you are alone. 
People took advantage of her blindness and her disadvantage. She was constantly rapped and abused.
No one cared.
She could not see enough of the proof to do anything about it. 
She became pregnant due to the fact that she was raped. 
The world around her did not want her to have proof of any wrongdoing. 
They did not want to get into trouble anymore then they wanted to stop abusing her. 
They poisoned her.
She had an early delivery but she was alone in the dark and she could not see her own child.
She left her premature baby in the cold and dark. 
The baby died.
It would never have lived past two days anyway.
Once the child was a ghost, she could see it. 
The realization of what happened to her broke her heart and she could do nothing but fall apart. 
The ghost was locked in an exile with the damned that the world killed to cover up what they did to her.
The other ghost resented her because they lost their lives.
So they torched her baby.
She could not save it.
The End

A darkened room
A table with a lightbulb.
A plague mask 
A puppet 
A potato sack man
The butcher 
The back door

My nightmare,

Sunday, June 16, 2019

In the name of the father

Happy Father's Day to 

1. My Heavenly Father 
2. My biology Dad
3. My step dad 


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Happy Memorial Day to the world 🌎

Happy Memorial Day !

God Bless us all!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

PickledEar and current by Jessica singleton ( fictional story)

Once upon a time , there was this beautiful garden. The garden was like winter.  All of the flowers were white and crystal colors. It was a statue garden dedicated to saints and angels. In the center of the garden was a beautiful labyrinth made out of carnival glass. There was a Great Wall facing the center of the garden. In the center of the garden stood a beautiful fountain.
The wall facing the center of the garden was  like a hidden door. It was almost invisible to the naked eye but it had a mirror essence to it like a reflection unlike the other walls. The princess that owned the garden liked Robins.
She had a pet Robin named ribbon. Ribbon followed her everywhere. The princess taught ribbon to stand on one side of the wall, while the princess would stand on the other side of the wall.
The princess would pull the latch and the wall would spin them to the opposite side.
The illusion made the princess look like she turned into a bird or that a bird turned into a princess in a red dress. 
The king was an intelligent man who collected maps and wind roses.
He was a wealthy man. he had a great kind heart. He was always looking for another adventure on the sea.  
On the princess's birthday her father gave her a beautiful glass lamp, a journal made of leather and a beautiful godinger heart locket. 
The princess's birthday cake was vanilla cake 
Light blue white chocolate ganache frosting. Almond slivers dusted the top of the cake.

One night a stranger came to their castle.
He was thin as though nothing he ate could make him gain weight. 
The man wore a green silk bow tie and pointed tip boots.

The princess was sitting by the window reading from a book of poetry. The poetry was written by Collins. He was a Christian writer who always made life seem like a beautiful painting. 
The king was looking at a chessboard and drinking coffee.
The queen was sipping tea and talking with her tiny dog.

The butler brought in the stranger.
Everyone looked up from what they were doing.

" Your Majesty, this is Mr. PickledEar. He claims that he has important business that you would want to hear. "

" Alright thank you butler Mr. Toad. "

The butler left the room. 

The thin man pulled a map from his jacket and began to explain to the king that he held a map in his possession that led to the mountain Alexandria. 

Mountain Alexandria was a myth in current day. 

No one had any proof that it existed. 

The mountain was marked on maps dating back 500 years but abruptly after the 14 th century the mountain was not there. It could not have moved. Mountains don't walk away but no one could find it.

"This map , your majesty is real. It was owned by Testler himself. I would love for your backing my voyage and to accompany me to find it. "

Testler was a brilliant scientist who was the man who originally re wrote maps to change the world. 

The map was authentic.

The king knew he was being used for his ships and money to pay for the trip but he wanted to find the mountain Alexandria .

It honestly sounded amazing.

The king agreed to the trip because he had the fastest ships in the world.

The king agreed and the trip was set for the following weekend.

The king walked with a walnut pewter stick. He was not in need of a cane. At the top of the walking stick sat a grey pigeon. The pigeon kept its eyes closed like carved wooden angels.
The point of the stick was security for the king.
When the king needed help, the bird took flight and went where the king sent him with a message tied to his leg.

To the on looking world, it was just a painted bird.

The bird was real.

The bird was named Current because the king trusted the bird as much as the sea.

Current would do anything for a treat.

Current's favorite treats were oatmeal cookie crumbs.

The king took 7 of his knights for the trip and current.

Once on the sea far away from civilization, the king found himself not trusting the thin man who called himself pickledear. PickledEar was always making up new excuses or lying about the stupidest things. 
One night the king and his knights were heading to the upper deck for dinner when PickledEar took them by surprise and locked the king and his men up. The king had his walking stick so he wrote a message and current flew out the window .

The king and his men were brought fresh water and a slice of bread from PickledEar.

PickledEar told the king that he would steal the ship and pretend that there was a storm that destroyed the ship along with the king.

PickledEar told the king to make the bread and water last because that's all that he and his men would receive. 
Current flew faster than time back to the castle and he gave the princess the note. The princess got ten of the Kings other knights to accompany the princess with current to find the king.

It did not take long.

They over took the ship and after a strange battle they all stood on the deck.

PickledEar spoke in a frustrated unsteady voice 
" well princess, you are indeed out numbered here. You being a god fearing woman, I suppose you can't take a mans life. So let me go. "

PickledEar had a gun to her father's head.

The princess was a Christian and she hated the man for what he did to her father. 

Of all the cruel jokes to plague upon someone's kindness and trust.

She started to cry and she said,
"God please help me."
PickledEar started to laugh. 
"Are you praying to God?"

The sun came out from behind the clouds. 

When the sun came out the wind slightly blew. A particle of saw dust flew onto PickledEar's shoulder.
Current thought the dust was a treat. Current flew towards PickledEar pecking at him and squeaking happily. PickledEar started to wave his arms for the bird to go away but current thought PickledEar was playing with him. The bird did not mean to poke PickledEar but he was . PickledEar tried to move away. PickledEar ended up tripping on his own feet and following overboard. The gun slipped out of his hand and landed on the deck. One of the Kings knights picked the gun up in time.

They went back to shore and PickledEar and his men were arrested.

The king went out on his own after that.

He found mountain Alexandria and it was perfect. 

The End