Thursday, December 21, 2017

Happy holidays to the world

I have no idea what to write in here.
I feel like the big downer anymore.
I was kind of pushed out in front of the world.
And they see me only complaining and sad.

I really don't want to ruin other
people's holiday cheer.

So here is my favorite holiday memory.

When I was a child in elementary school,
My parents had us in the car so we could deliver
Christmas cards to random friends and family.

We were in that car for what seemed like forever.

Anyway in December back then
K95fm radio would play nonstop
Christmas music.
Well they kept playing that
 Feliz Navidad Christmas Carol.
So we must have heard that song ten times that day.
By the time we got back to the house,
It was on again.
My step dad had not got the car all the way up
The driveway when my sister merijo and I
Were like, let us out of the car.

Years later, when I was in my 20's ,
Merijo, one of her friends Christie, and myself were
Driving into town.
We did not expect this.
Christie did not know about our childhood.
It was not Christmas and that
Feliz navies. Song was not on the radio.
Out of no where, Christie rolled down her
Drivers side window and she started to sing that feliz song to on coming traffic.


When I was a child,
In most of the holiday movies,
There was a part where they got fruit cake as a gift.
Fruit cake was a big part of Christmas.

One day we were out, I was about 8ish and I asked my parents if we were going to pick up a fruit cake for Christmas.
Apparently they knew how nasty
A dried out loaf of gummy worms it was .
They both were like

My favorite Christmas was the
year my sister got an Alf doll.
Because I got a lot of barbies.

Happy holidays

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