Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blue Excuse by Jessica Singleton

The Blue Excuse 


Jessica Singleton 

Watercolors have a shyness to them. They hide behind each other, blending well. 
But their own defamation is undeniable.


 His name was Jessi.
Sometimes he would take a short cut home. Just to be alone and away from the place he worked at. It helped to walk in the front door of his own house. It was the only place that he felt welcomed. 

On Sunday he went to church with his grandfather. On Monday he spent the day at the library.

His favorite book was Great Expectations by Dickens. 

It reminded him of every silent film that he lived through. 

Most people don't talk about what they really want to say as easily as others lie and say what they should not say. 

He owned his own private copy of the Dickens book.

He was a hard working man who saved a lot of money. He had a high credit score and a high iq. 


        The drummer from the Matinee.

His name was Avery.
He was tall and built like an NBA player. He sailed on the weekend to the coast. He liked Eric Clapton and JJ Cale. 
His greatest inspiration was The Silver Bullet Band. That and his older brother James vine Carey.

He worked as a technician in electronics from Monday to Friday, and then he played in a jazz band at the bars all weekend. 

He was considered great and handsome to everyone around him but until he was sailing he felt trapped in a cubicle.

              The part time annoyance.

She was a joke of a tragedy, and anyone who crossed her path would remember that. Bleach blond skinny Luke warm tap water. 
Nothing anyone would want.  That is until they are thirsty for an itch. 

Her name was DumDuh Delilah. 
She worked at the local bank. 



DumDuh was at work on Monday morning. She was sitting in her pathetic cubicle filing her nails instead of working.  That is when she saw the skinny man in the lobby waiting on assistance. 

DumDuh was a sucker for a good laugh. But in her opinion, waiting on anyone not good looking enough was not worth her time. 
DumDuh walked out of her cubicle and she spoke to the skinny nerd. 

" Hi , mister . 
My name is DumDuh. Can I help you with something? "

" I'm Jessi and I want to file a report on something and receive money. "

" oh I see. Come into my office. "

DumDuh gave Jessi a stack of paper work to fill out.  When he was done filling out the paperwork- Jessi gave it back to DumDuh. She looked it over slightly. Then she typed a few things into her computer. 
DumDuh told Jessi that he could never file a report and at this time he was not eligible for money. 
Jessi knew that DumDuh was lying. So he walked out of the bank and he went across town to a different branch of the same bank.

Jessi told that bank what happened with DumDuh at the west side branch.

The bank realized within 2 minutes that DumDuh never used her computer to pull a credit report or anything to do with Jessi. 
Jessi was eligible for a lot of money. The amount was without end. 

Jessi filed his papers with them and it was not a stack. It was three pieces of paper and the last page only required a signature. 

Jessi did not have to sit around for thirty minutes to see results. 
He received his money, an apology and his freedom. 



DumDuh was called into her bosses office within an hour that same day. 

Her boss asked her about the incident with Jessi . 

DumDuh lied. 

So her boss called her on the lie. 

" Your computer is linked up to a main server. We can monitor your every move. 
You are logged into your own personal social media page.  In fact you logged into that five minutes after you entered your workspace. You typed out the words - 
And I quote-

O. M. G. - 
This skinny nerd wants me to do my job. I deserve my paycheck for having to talk to him. I mean yeah. I'm pretending that this never happened. He does not need money compared to people like me. He is probably poor or some type of minority. Lol. Seriously today when I get off from work I am going shopping. Pathetic people make me feel like I need time for pampering. "

" I made a mistake. Like an accident. I'm sorry. "

" Actually you did do that on purpose. You do not get paid to just be here. That man is not here for your personal opinion. You don't have to like anyone but you do have to treat him with equally opportunities. He is not on a clock. But you are. The worst part is that you are on a security camera, not only not doing your job. But you are discriminating against a client. He has an account here. I have to write you up for three different offenses. And you have already been warned numerous times before about your work effort. That means you are fired. "

" That is just wrong. Should I get a lawyer? Not unless he presses charges because you don't have any grounds. And he can take you to court. We will back him because we are not going to jail for you. " 

DumDuh walked out of the bank. When she got to her car she felt like having a drink. She went home first to change her clothes and then get ready. 
By the time the weekend came around DumDuh had been to the same bar every night. 
Saturday night DumDuh saw a drummer on stage and he was so hot. She saw men like meal tickets. 
DumDuh walked up to the drummer and she started to talk to him. 
His name was Avery.

Avery thought DumDuh was kind of pretty but he could tell that he would never marry her. 
But he could use her for a decent time later. It had been a week since he had been able to unwind . 
Avery told DumDuh to meet him at the boat docks later.

She did but he forgot about her because she did not mean anything to him. 



DumDuh saw a yacht. She assumed it was Avery's boat. 

So DumDuh lived up to her own reputation for once , by inviting herself where no one else would on their own. 

DumDuh jumped into the boat. Only Avery was not there. 
But a surgeon with a sick fetish for seeing blood was. The surgeon sailed away with his new playmate. Then he chopped her up and threw her out with the trash. 

                               The End 

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