Saturday, September 17, 2016

New story ideas for the Red Moon Princess

I guess I can keep up.  I am not famous. I am not using this to try and get attention for myself.  I am just a regular person who has a hobby of writing short stories.  I love to read.  This one I will have to work on.  So below I will put the out line for it.  I tweeted while ago that I would do this.  I will just not from here.
Then I will transfer it over to this blog.  The reason is odd.  And left unsaid.
Now that I made myself sound corny as hell....

This short story will be for the red moon princess. 
The story of the red moon princess and Eurella have gone into these titles;
Broken View
Beyond The Gates of Hell
Bronze Kingdom
The Red Moon Princess
none of which are published.

Now this one;  needs a new name.
It is the next in line for the series of Red Moon Princess stories.
Title ideas;
Emerald Sea
Amber Creature
The Eyes of Amber's Creature
The Shadow that darkened the Corner of Amber
Emerald colored Shadow

Because I do not have a title yet.
In all of the stories listed above there was a color pallet for each one.
In Broken view the kingdom dealt with a lot of purple and black and silver.
The kingdom in that one was actually called the Black Opal Kingdom.

In Bronze Kingdom it dealt with a lot of golden colors.
In Beyond the gates of hell it dealt with a lot of dark black and blue crystal.

In The Red Moon princess it had a lot of fall colors and red.  It dealt with a lot of rubies.

So I wanted to deal with a lot of Amber stones and Emeralds in this one.

I do not have a title.
This is what will basically happen in this story.

The red moon princess is married to Twinkle from the last story.  They are older now.  They have a grandchild who is a princess.
She wonders off into the forest to pick berries and she bumps into two young men.  They are twins.  One is nice and one is not nice.  The twins are the grandchildren of Edgar.  Edgar was a child in the first story.  Edgar was the son of Eurella.
Eurella is locked up in hell.
She is practically dead by now.
Edgar is sad and he missing his mother.
Even in old age.
But he loves his grandchildren.
He spoils them and he'd do anything for them.
The mean one wants a dragon for his birthday.
The younger one wants to invite the princess to his birthday party.
Edgar has to go to the red moon princess to invite the princess.
The older boy wants to start a war.
He opens his grandmother's old box of jewels and potions.
He sets her free.
THEN he goes off into the forest to take on Violin.
Violin was the prince who Eurella tried to harm in the Red Moon princess story.  Eurella was trying to set up Jessica but it did not work.
So The young grandson decides that he will harm Violin and then set up Jessica's grandchild.
He fights Violin and then finds out Violin is his father.
They have to make peace.
But he sets a bunch of creatures free all over the kingdom.
THEN he poisons the young girl.
A wizard saves her.
A panel of wizards are the judges.
They have to stop the mean boy before it is to late.
The young boy is put on trial.
There he is sentenced to go to jail for a hundred years.
But in their world, one hundred years is like ten years in real life.

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