Sunday, January 15, 2017

No words define this

I went to Walmart yesterday.  Cause it is already 12 17 AM here.  I told a story about a woman who loved a man and everyone wanted to break them up.  The story was more so about a man who fell in love with a woman and then he lied to her about the one man that she did love. He was hoping that she would leave the other man to be with him.
He was a bad man.  He was the problem inside of the kingdom.
It was about fairies and witches.  More fairy glamour.  
I took one of those PM pills.  Now I'm starting to get sleepy.

Fast words
for slow minds is what the title of this day would show.
That L word goes a long way.

Here is more of my nonsense;

The Taste of Fear


Jessica   Singleton

She kept the sound of his voice inside of her head.
No one can take this away from me.
She'd tell herself about how nothing could change the way that she felt.
Then one day he went away.
He did not love her anymore.
He found someone new.
She kept pushing the thought of him out of her head.
But like she said, nothing can take this away from me.
The thought of him lingered on.
She loved him even still when tears came.
Then one day he came back.
She noticed how she could not look at him the same.
But like she said before;
She was in love with him and nothing seemed to stain the pallet.
It was as though he had never broke her heart.
So she held onto him like he was new.
Then after a hundred years , he passed away in his sleep without pain.
He had lived a good life that lasted him till his 1 hundredth and 3rd birthday.
Like it was the day that she fell in love with him, she remembered the sound of his voice in her head.
She could not forget him.
Age takes every sense away even memory.
But like she said before, nothing could take him away from her.
He was her happy thought.
He made her smile.

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