Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Short story by me Jessica Singleton


                                        Vision Range From The Eye of  A  Butterfly


                                                              Jessica     Singleton


The silence that follows the sound of a shot gun could echo like a child's hymn on Easter Sunday.
Mother forgive me.
I have sinned.
I have no excuse.
But from the eyes of butterflies
no one would put the pieces back together.
Not without the piece that I hid in my own pocket.

Cat and Michael lived on the 13th  floor of a New York City apartment.  They had a son named Clive and a cat named Twinkle.  Cat and Michael were not married.  Cat worked for a local magazine named Intelligent Purse.  She was an artist / photographer.  

Saturdays were Cat's favorite day of the week.  She got to wake up early and spend time with her son.  Clive loved cartoons, cereal, and robots.  He was very smart for his age.  

Monday was Cat's day off work.  She went into the city and found an abandoned building that had the windows busted out.  She took her scope camera out of her purse and she shot a few pictures of a butterfly that had landed on the window.  Windows are the eyes to the soul.  So these windows were only the reflection of pain behind what was left of a broken view.    
The broken world and the butterfly who visited the flip side.
It was kind of poetic in an abandoned way.

Tuesday Cat and Michael went on a trip to Italy for her birthday.  
When the couple got back from Italy, they were tired and needed the weekend to fix their sleeping habits.
On Sunday night, Cat woke up in the middle of the night. She had one of those odd dreams.  Her throat was dry and her body was wide awake.  There was no way that she was going back to bed now.  So she got up and she went to the bathroom.
Then she got a bottle of water out of the ice box.
She was warm and decided to go for a walk with her camera.
Cat walked down the street a few blocks and then she slipped on something.  When she tripped, she accidentally took a picture.
There was a man walking to his car.
Nothing that great about him.
She was fine and she went home.
A few days later Cat heard that there had been a crime in that area just a few days before.  So she went to the police and she showed them the picture that she had taken.
It showed the licenses plate and a clear view of the guy driving the car.
He was wanted on a lot of other crimes but he was one of the people who were already being questioned about this crime.
So Cat's photo helped the police.
A few weeks later once life had gone back to normal, Michael had taken their son Clive out one night.
When Cat got home to her apartment, she walked in and then she saw a big guy sitting on her couch.  He looked rough.  
That is when a tall thin man stepped out from the shadows.  He had on clothes that would suggest that his income was more then a doctors.  His shoes alone were 2 thousand dollar Italian Leather.  His shirt was a 7 hundred dollar piece as well.
The thin man had a mark on his wrist.  It looked like a tattoo of a cat.  Like some kind of Egyptian symbol.
Cat knew that her door was locked.

" You are Cat Salstine ?  I am correct on that fact. I am sure of it.  That is what your information says.  "

" What is this ?  Are you here to rob me or something ? "

" No .... I have no interest in your bad photography nor your half rate trend setter apartment.  I am here to give you a message. Do you like messages Cat ? 

" I do not understand this ? "

" Wrong answer.  Let me say this, do you understand words?  You can hear me, can you not ? "

"  Yes you do not have to be rude.  Please do not hurt me , I have a child.  Can you just hurry up and leave.  I do not know you and I did not do anything to you. "

" Shut up.  Now you listen to me.  I am not interested in you Cat.  The women in my country make you look as second rate as your furniture.  I am talking.  You are listening.  You will do exactly what I tell you.  I do not want to be with you much longer.  Just know this.  This is the last time that you will see me.  If you ever have to see me again, then you will not remember it.  Because you will not be  around to know.  I think you can figure that out. "

Cat's eyes filled with tears.  She held them back only with the fact that all her strength was going into holding herself up.  She felt sick and faint. 

Cat shook her head and then she watched that thin man move a vase on her mantle before he walked over to her.
The thin man put a hand on her lower arm.  Not in a sexual way. Just enough to let her know that he could get that close to her.
That scared the hell out of her.

" You took a picture the other night.  I think a few nights back on the 12th.  Yes.  Now you are going to lie to the cops.  You say that you did not see that man in the picture come out of that bank.  You say he was coming from the bar down the road.  "

"  They have security cameras in the bank.  I cannot lie. They will know anyway. "
" No cameras.  I took care of that.  I have business and I do not want it being warm to the touch. So you just do as you are told or else I will start with others. "

" Others? What is that? "

" I like you .  Your name is cat.  Cats always jump back.  They always know how to land.  You can thrown a cat off of a roof and it will land on its feet.  That is amazing.  But I bet if I threw your son off of a roof, he would not bounce back. "

" Oh God. .. no... Please..."
" Then we have an understanding don't we Cat ?  "
She whispered yes because her throat dried up.
The thin man leaned in to whisper back at her.
" Oh and mother, I will make sure that he does not feel his neck break when it hits the sidewalk.  I own a gun. "
Cat closed her eyes.
The men left her apartment.
When Cat's husband came home, she told him her nightmare of a night.  They were both so spooked that they wanted  nothing to do with the situation.

Cat knew that she could not let this go.  The man may come back anyway. That man came into her home where her child slept.  He got past every kind of security known to man to threaten her.
So she went to a private investigator who used to work for the FBI.  He was not the barney type.  He was just smart.

Cat told the pi her story.  He ask her if she could bring him the vase that the thin man touched.  It would have his finger prints on it.
Cat brought the pi the vase.  The pi found the man.
The pi went to the police and it took the whole crime family down before the trial. So no one could hurt anyone.  
Cat got a reward for the information and she and her husband were safe forever.
No one could kill them or any of their family.

They all lived happily ever after.

THE     END   

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