Sunday, October 15, 2017

As the world

I don't know what is a scarier concept to digest.?
Drinking the two day old coffee
out of the ice box or buying my
coffee creamer from a gas station.

Life is unpredictable on so many levels.

I can read.
I have already taken in my daily bread from the Bible.

It is funny how people try to convince you
Of what they need you to believe.
If one attempt does not work,
Then they try something else.

What is freaking me out about these suggestions?

Why does the reason change?
If it is one thing
Then why make up ten reasons when one does not work.?
No offense
When a stranger offers you candy 🍭
To take a ride in his unmarked van
You know there is a nightmare just up ahead.

So why sell me a list of possible questions?

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