Friday, June 23, 2017

My Iphone is workng but not icloud

I am very surprised to say this. Joann told me tonight that AT&T sent her a text telling me to go to account recovery because my phone was ready to be fixed. I can use it again. But even though it shows me the music I downloaded. It will not show me my past pictures or videos.
Something is still wrong.
It wants the old passcode.
The one that I forgot.
Now I'm in a bad way but ICLOUD lets you log in online and look at things.
Now I have two phone numbers.
Oh here are two odd emails back to back from Stedts;
This will explain some of that confusion. 

Letter one;

SV: Estate number 550911-0515
        Stedts Begravningsbyrå <>
        12/30/15 at 12:19 AM
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for your mail dated 29 december 2015.
Thank you for signing the paper we send to you.
My name Is Maria Backman and I am one of the administrators of this inventory.
Our work Is to complete the inventory in Sweden and see to all.
In Sweden you don’t have to participate in the inventor meeting, but we have to inform you about the meeting.
It is also our obligation to keep you informed about your rights in the case.
As of now, I can inform you, there is no money on your father´s Swedish accounts, only debts.
Your stepmother will pay the funeral, gravestone and inventory expenses.
When our the inventory is made, you will receive another document in English in which you are supposed to accept and return to us.
When our work is totally completed, it may take more a year, we will send you the documents by postal mail.
Best regards
Maria Backman
Stedts Begravningsbyrå AB
Juridiska avdelningen
Södra Vägen 12
SE-546 31  Karlsborg
+46 -505-131 99
Från: singleton jessica []
Skickat: den 29 december 2015 23:15
Ämne: Estate number 550911-0515

Letter Two;
 ----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Stedts Begravningsbyrå <>
To: 'singleton jessica' <>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 3:37 AM
Subject: SV: Important about case 550911-0515
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for your e-mail.
We understand the situation and thank you that you have returned our postal mails.
Did I understand you right, that you have signed and returned the second package of mail from us?
In that case that is good. Because it is necessary to have these documents in original in Sweden, before we can not pay any amount.
To find out the amount in American dollar, count with the Swedish amount and divied it with 8 = American dollar.
(It is not exakt, it is changing all the time, but it is a start.)
Best regards,
Maria Backman
Stedts Begravningsbyrå AB
Juridiska avdelningen
Södra Vägen 12
546 31  Karlsborg
+46 (0)505-131 99

Letter 3
SV: SV: Important about case 550911-0515
        Stedts Begravningsbyrå <>
        07/04/16 at 12:54 AM
Dear Jessica
You have received the form ”Division and Distribution of the Estate” on the last page the portions is written
and for Jessica it stand awarded 174 762, 33 Swedish kronor, 174 762 divided by 8 is 21 845,25 us dollar
“To find out the amount in American dollar, count with the Swedish amount and divide it with 8 = American dollar.
(It is not exakt, it is changing all the time, but it is a start.)”
So I mean it’s the right amount You got
Med vänlig hälsning
Roland Stedt
Stedts Begravningsbyrå AB
Södra Vägen 12
546 31 Karlsborg
Tel 0505-13199

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